Bad Things Only Happen To Bad People
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

I’d like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don’t turn to God, you just rejected him from your cityI mean it's pretty simple, God is going to remove his shield of protection from this city for embracing evolution instead of intelligent design. I really didn't people would have trouble understanding this, but apparently people cannot accept that God fully protects all of his followers that obey his word.
Part of the problem is that for years we've been subjected to the touchy-feely self-help notion that sometimes bad things can happen to good people. I've got news for all of you, good people are protected by the Lord and don't have to endure the same kind of suffering that bad people do. Just because you cannot figure out the particular sin that caused God to stop protected you that doesn't mean you didn't commit it -- Trust me, you did something wrong.
Now I've gotten a few emails from people countering my last post by citing the Book of Job. Yes, I know that Job was one of God's most devout followers and that God allowed a series of tremendous misfortunes to be inflicted upon. But God had a very specific reason to allow his family, his riches and his health to be taken from Job -- God needed to prove to Satan that Job would remain loyal to Him no matter what. Of course we all know that God won this bet and Satan in turn learned a valuable lesson.
Since God has already proven His point and there is no further need to "test" His followers through unspeakable tragedy He can focus His attention on punishing those who defy him. This brings me right back to my central argument: Bad thing only happen to bad people. So, Dover, watch out! You're angering the Almighty and you wouldn't like him when he's angry.