Doing My Part to Fight Terror.
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

There is one way you can help the cause, and that is to fight terror with tough talk.
We all know that our terrorist enemies take comfort in the sympathy of this country's left. Instead of strongly condemning this enemy, liberals are busy excusing away the heinous acts of these monsters. When the terrorists see liberals, they see America as a nation filled with al Queda coddlers. This makes our entire nation look weak and such perceived weakness just invites further attack.
Terrorists are like snakes that can sense fear with the flick of their diseased serpent tongues. They slither through the bushes until they find their prey. Liberals make all of us seems as easy a target as an unconscious mouse with four broken legs. Liberal appeasement belies America's true strength.
So what do we do when the enemy starts to see us as vulnerable? The answer is simple -- we remind them that there are still some red-blooded Americans that are still willing to engage in some tough talk. That's why we have to counter this perceived weakness with some good old all-American bravado.
Just look at what Fox News' John Gibson recently said on the subject of battling terrorism:
Five in the noggin is fine. Don't complain that sounds barbaric. We're fighting barbaric.Don't you think John saying that we needed to shoot them not just once but 5 times in the head gives the terrorists pause? I know it would make me think twice before crossing him. After talk like that, the terrorists now know that John Gibson really means business.
Well, I'm serious about fighting terrorism too and I have this message for all you terrorists who may be reading this blog: You cross me, you'll be met with the fists of Steele. If you try and harm my family, you'll wish for a jail cell at Gitmo to cower in. I'll rip your beard out with my bare hands and carve biblical verses into your chest while defecating on the Quran. Then -- six in the noggin. I guess I'm just not quite as forgiving as John Gibson.
This is not the time for soft words or negotiation. You do not negotiate with absolute evil. While I may not be there fighting alongside our brave soldiers in Iraq, I am certainly doing my part here. I'm standing behind my troops beating my righteous conservative chest and flexing my strong patriotic muscles. I'm letting the terrorists know that if they want to take our freedom, they'll eventually have to go through Michael Gregory Steele to get it.
And let every Patriotic terror fighter rub his 5 in pork fat before he puts them in the turban!
We will prevail, with our Bible, our bullets, and our pigskins. Count on it, Islamofascists!
M.G.C - For once I agree with you 110 percent. Left up to me I'd hunt down these degenerate terrorist swine with a crossbow and dung-dipped arrow points. The few that lived I'd make them strip naked, wrap them up in bacon from head to toe and seal them all up in a fetal position within a very cramped fish tank filled with red ants. Then I'd really get nasty!
conservative patriot: Well put, my brother, well put.
m.r.: I'm talking about eliminating terrorists, not creating some sort of worthless art exibit for you and your elitist friends.
Let me guess, the bacon represents the Western oppression of the Muslim peoples, right? Get a life you pathetic liberal pacifist.
M.G.C. - Truth be told, the bacon actually represents gutless, warmongering rightwing pigs like yourself who safely cheer from the sidelines while real men fight their wars for them.
Bravado indeed, you're nothing but hot air. If you ever laid eyes on a real terrorist you'd crap your pants before ever crapping on his Koran. In fact, I'm certain if you were ever called upon to defend your country in any fashion you'd trip over your skirt while running for the hills you spineless shemale.
I will try to be on topic for most of this discussion.
I think the terrorists need to be killed and agree with you on that. I aslo think there is no excuse for terrorism.
I am not a liberal I am a Libertarian.
I also believe that our governments foreign policy under both Clinton and Bush has created many of these problems. Someone once said if you have a hornets nest on your property you may get stung, if you start hitting it with a baseball bat are you more or less likely to get stung. The point I am trying to make is that we have not taken Geroge Washington's advice regarding our entangling alliences, Our government and the Saudi Arabian government have been in bed for years while we tell other countries they must stop terrorism.
I would like to know what you think, if you agree or disagree.
Some other thing people can do to fight terrorist is to not buy blood diamonds and gasoline, because it is proven that terrorist profit from both.
I would also like to add that lobbing names at liberals is petty and counterproductive and gives a bad name to conservatives like myself.
The important thing is, whatever we do will be "short of enlisting" and going over there to put our money where our mouths are.
jake: Let's just avoid a long drawn out discussion and get right to the point here: Clinton is to blame. Period. Our holy President Bush is left to clean up the mess.
I'm sure you don't have the moral clarity to understand this, because you're a libertarian. As we all know libertarians are castrated Republicans.
scooter: If we stop buying blood diamonds or gasoline then the terrorists win. Also, you're not fooling anyone with your "I'm a conservative just trying to have a civil discussion" nonsense.
scribe: Enlisting in the army is not a party of my divine calling. I'm here to preach the gospel of conservativism. There's no reason I can't help fight this war from the comfort of my own home.
Michael Gregory Steele,
Next year I am going to get my ministers license.
What kind of conservative runs a half trillion dollar a year deficit, continues to vote to take our guns away (President Bush promised to sign the assult weapons ban) and falsley calls us a democracy when article 4, section 4 of the constitution tells us otherwise.
I think I have a little more moral clarity because I am against prostitution, drug use, and am even pro life both politicaly and personaly. I however will not force my views on others. Remember God created free will if you hate prostitution so much don't become one. I will try and not argue with you much because this is your blog and I have my own but if Heaven is filled with people like you who name call (Jesus never called names and he was around prostitutes that filthy liberal) than I am prepared to go to hell. I think I am going to make my own post on the subject.
God Bless.
jake: Thanks for the unnecessarily long comment. It is much better to be succinct. A simple "I agree completely" would suffice.
Enlist if you believe in it so much, you moron! I realize after looking at your blog that you are obviously a stupid fucking lunatic, but for all your praising of yourself and all that you do, at least have the guts to fight if you believe in it so much. Much like our stooge of a President, you have no problem letting someone else die for a cause (whether justified or not), but you won't put your life on the line. You're not only a complete asshole, you're a coward!
Get a new picture! You look like a fucking jackass!
anonymous: Oh, so just because I strongly and ferociously defend this war yet refuse to put myself in harms way by enlisting that makes me a chickenhawk does it?
Well, I have new for you, there are other and much safer ways to fight this war. I fight by writing about it in this blog and ridiculing those who don't support it. Which reminds me... you're an idiot.
first of all allow me to take a moment to laugh at the man who put in his comment "Our Holy Bush"
alright, glad i got that out. It is really a shame that some of you people are just like our president, a blood thirsty farm boy.
Just because you have different views not like the liberals doesnt mean you need to sit there and talk about how stupid they are. We just have different views. We are really not much in to violence, and like to solve things without having to carve things in peoples chest and crapping on people we see lower then ourselves.
perhaps you need a little love in your life?
pick a flower?
roll down a grassy hill?
look at the clouds?
i dont know, just a suggestion.
"Well, I have new for you, there are other and much safer ways to fight this war. I fight by writing about it in this blog and ridiculing those who don't support it. Which reminds me... you're an idiot." If every one took the safe way to fight this war then I bet there would have been another 9-11 type of tragedy. And which terrorist died from you writing in this blog. Which soldier have you protected. You are a coward. Worse is you are delusional. You believe that writing in this silly little blog will help your country.
"Well, I have new for you, there are other and much safer ways to fight this war. I fight by writing about it in this blog and ridiculing those who don't support it. Which reminds me... you're an idiot." If every one took the safe way to fight this war then I bet there would have been another 9-11 type of tragedy. And which terrorist died from you writing in this blog. Which soldier have you protected. You are a coward. Worse is you are delusional. You believe that writing in this silly little blog will help your country.
Fuckin' A.
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