Legal Notice
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

Legal Notice: Everything written on this blog is satire/parody and should be understood as such.
My reason for putting up this notice up is simple -- I have no interest in getting sued for making a joke.
The fact that this blog is satire is no surprise to those who frequent it and is something of an open secret. My response to those who think I'm trying to perpetrate some sort of fraud as a means to scare others away from Christianity is: "Get A BRAIN! MORANS"
This blog is not an attempt to make some overarching statement about Christianity or religion. It is a satirical look at the Christian Right in American politics with a few stupid jokes about Republicans thrown in and is nothing more than this.
This admission changes nothing about the dynamic of this blog. Herman and I will remain as committed as ever to writing absurd posts and responding to comments in a belligerent manner.
Please also note that all comments posted on the blog, and all emails sent to The Moral Mailbox become property of Conservatives for American Values.
I am shocked and appalled.
Say it isn't so Mr. Steele... I really thought you were a true believer in our Holy Cause to rid the world of God-less heathen unbelievers homosexuals and those evil liberals.
Wait I know. You were forced to post this by those Godless Liberal Pinko Commies weren't you? Yes thats it I can tell you would never say something like that. The Michael Gregory Steele I pray for would never abandon our noble cause... Not like that.
It's ok Mr. Steele, I know it's not really satire.
This is very disheartening.
I don't know what to believe anymore. Is anybody here who they say they are?
BushCheney08 is still an idiot, right? At least tell me that much is true.
I am sincerely crushed to see you bow under the oppression of the Left, MGS and Herman. I weep openly for you today, and then will never speak of this post again. I look forward to your regular scripture message each day.
Thank you.
bushcheney08: Oh, your self-deprecating humor delights all of us. How refreshing.
salgal: Yeah, I would see no reason to speak of this post ever again.
I live my life based on the advice at this site! Since it’s all good advice I’m not changing a thing. Get back in the closest you filthy liberals and get back to teaching the true conservative values that you despise so much. God has given you a gift and He is speaking through you whether you Godless scum realize it or not. I’m sure he just plans on throwing your used hollow carcasses into the flaming pits of Hell after He is done with you. Perhaps He will then let me spit upon you and your ilk.
kirk: You're absolutely right, just because the site is satirical, there's no real reason to stop basing your life on everything written here.
Attention disillusioned followers!
Don't worry, after tommorow's post is put up, this one will be moved back to the begining of the blog. We can then forget about this whole sordid affair and pretend like it never happened.
if you lack the intelligence to tell this blog from any other conservative blog you are more stupid than I thought you were.
oh f**k you I just read ur legal disclaimer lol. Nice site though :)
so which character does alicia morgan play
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