I Owe You Less Than Nothing, Dear Readers
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

This post though is about respect, more specifically the respect people should show me when they decide to correspond with me through email. No reader of this blog has the right to ask me to do more than I already do for all of you and yet emails like this pass through my mailbox regularly:
Michael? Herman? where are? I look to you for moral guidance. I feel lost without your words, please come back.I wonder, if I allowed this same person to borrow my car would he then demand that I take it to the car wash and have it detailed first? I am doing you a favor, friend, by sharing my wisdom with you and yet you demand that I do it with more regularity? Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth -- or maybe you're biting the hand that feeds you, I'm not sure which.
Anyway, I just want to state again that I do not owe you anything and you owe me everything.
You see, in life everyone is faced with difficult ethical and moral dilemmas. It is the choices you make at these critical junctures that define who you are as a person and decide where you will ultimately end up in the afterlife. Often such choices are difficult to make and if you make the wrong one it can be nearly impossible to get yourself back on the right track. That's where I come in.
God has provided each of you with a map to show you the correct path in navigating through the jungle of life -- a map called the Bible. Sometimes though this map is difficult to understand and you need a rugged wilderness guide to help you through the rough patches with his machete of personal enlightenment. I am your guide, but sometimes even wilderness guides need some time off.
This particular wilderness guide also has the fate of his local economy resting upon his broad shoulders. This wilderness guide has been busy doing his job and continuing to make the world turns. But I don't feel I owe anyone here an explanation, in fact I owe you less than nothing.
My advice to all of you is to study your map and I’ll explain to you what it means when I'm good and ready. And finally when I do choose to answer your questions, be sure to address me with a little more humility and respect. Remember that the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. If you continue to anger me, the Lord might just taketh me away from you for good.
It is well understood that in these troubled times, you have much to ponder, and many to guide. And we understand that we are indeed not in a position to question any undertaking you may or may not decide upon, and frankly if we were doing what you have shown us we are supposed to do, we would not have time to badger you in any event.
Do not let the slackers among us, the intellectually lazy, detract you from your path.
Here here Conservative Patriot. It sounds like BushCheney08 has once again lost his way and started stalking Michael and Herman again. Every time we think he's been put on the right track he goes and messes everything up with his homoerotic fantasies. Take a cold shower BushCheney08 and leave Michael and Herman alone!
nd finally when I do choose to answer your questions, be sure to address me with a little more humility and respect.
Wasn't there something in the Bible about pride being sort of a sin?
anonymous said:
Wasn't there something in the Bible about pride being sort of a sin?
There is nothing in the bible about things that are sort of sins. That is moral waffling and is a sure route to hell.
And that's not weird, that's reality.
Wasn't there something in the Bible about guys who call themselves "Helmet?"
conservative patriot: Indeed. With "God's Own Party" falling to pieces I have a lot on my mind. The last thing I need are disrespectful little pukes who can't show me the respect I have earned. Unbelievable.
kirk: As you well know, I cannot reveal the nature of any conversations I have with any of my followers, regardless of how stupid they are. But I certainly won't deny your claim.
anonymous: I have yet to hear an intelligent point brought up by you. I also find the fact that you end every comment with "weird..." utterly annoying and a blatant abuse of an ellipsis.
In short I find this and every other comment you've written completely
Does anyone really read this blog on purpose? I found it by accident (through Randy Rhodes from Air America Radio), and I can't believe that people take this guy seriously. Do you think this guy is a leader of some kind? This whole blog is weird beyond description. And you followers of him, you need to get a life! He's just a nutcase!
Hey, Anonymous, Anonymous II here. You sound like a real live human being - the only one I've encountered on this blog. I came here from Air America too.
I can't believe the wierdos who populate this place;and their wacked out, moronic, "moral leader" would be a joke if he were just a little bit funny. I've never read such garbage! He is an idiot.
"Air America"? I'm not sure I'm comfortable with anything that goes by such a wispy-sounding name. America is made of raw earth, great rolling plains on which our forefathers toiled to till that earth and eventually make it into great, rolling stripmalls that provide basic employment and products for more people than this "Air America" could ever hope to do. Does "Air America" have anything solid to offer? I think they condemn themselves into non-solidity with their own-chosen name. Now, if they choose to provide Shop At Home programming, and thus get more solid products into American hands, then this might redeem their use of those wispy (sounds like "wimpy", doesn't it?) airwaves.
As to our moral leader on this blog not being funny: go ahead and laugh. Nobody's stopping you.
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