Pat Robertson and Liberal Hypocrisy
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

4 years later...
August 22, 2005: Pat Robertson calls for the assassination of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez:
You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war.That's about as unsupportive of a statement one could make about an unfriendly dictator. So you would think that liberals would be happy now that Robertson has now made such a strong statement against an oppressive ruler. You would think that given the liberal outrage toward Robertson's support of Charles Taylor that a statement like this would satisfy them. You would think that, but you'd be wrong. This is just another glaring example of liberal hypocrisy.
But it's not even this obvious hypocrisy that bothers me. It's the claim that Robertson isn't in a position to call for Chavez's death. Excuse me? If our moral leaders can't call for the assassination of a head of state then who can? Who better to judge whether someone is worthy to live than those who speak for God?
While I may be a lesser moral leader than Pat (for the time being), I too can make a justified call for violence. I hereby call for a swift kidney punch to Hugo Chavez. Trust me; this is exactly what God would want.
Pat Roberson is going straight to hell. I am enjoying him very much as my little vanilla bitch. My hermaphrodite two headed giraffe is hungry for some falwell/gannon munchies.
You just can’t win with these liberals. Anything a holy man does will be criticized. Just look at the liberal response you are getting. How appropriate that it’s signed “Satan.”
You can join my little and bush along with our butt buddies of Scull and Bones
kirk: It's true, no matter what Robertson says people are going to attack him. If he were to say "I love America" liberals would attack him for not saying he loves the other countries of the world. He simply cannot win.
anonymous ("Satan"): While we all find you and your inane comments absolutely hysterical we're now asking you to leave because in truth we don't find you funny at all.
Anonymous: You know, there is no reason you have to be so offensive just because you don’t agree with our views. I don’t call you names or make lewd comments even though you are a traitor that supports the jihadists in Venezuela.
Micheal Gregory Steele: You better get spiritually ready, because over the next few weeks me and all my minions will tug at your heart and your immortal soul and I swear by the blood of christ I will take you with me into the lake of fire.
Be prepared to be corrupted by the very essense of pure evil.
Your face looks as airbrushed as it gets is that an actual real pic. You support my little president you will be my little minion.
that fool of a pretender who posts as anonymous is NOT ME. I will take you all into hell. Especially you, micheal gregory steele.
kirk! I looked at your profile and it said this!
"I am a moderate liberal who is almost 180 degrees opposed to the Bush administration. It is my desire to have Bush impeached and put in prison* for the war in Iraq. It is my position that Bush was at best reckless in his rush to war and should be held accountable. At worst he was seeking revenge for the assassination attempt on his father with no regard to the innocent lives that would be lost or forever changed. This would make him a war criminal.
* Most states have reckless endangerment laws that carry prison sentences. It is not necessary to actually kill someone to be sent off to prison under most of these statutes. Bush's war in Iraq has cost over 1,700 American lives and over 25,000 Iraqi lives. Surely this would justify a prison sentence."
does this mean you have changed your views? you have been my guiding light through all of this, kirk! dont go soft on me now!
Worried Follower: No, unfortunately I share the same name with a liberal. I am ashamed, but it is my mission to destroy him for disgracing my good name. He mocks me by posting at some of the same sites I do.
I would never make light of a serious subject such as Satan, so he gives himself away.
Also, while you flatter me, your job is to follow the teachings of Herman and Michael. I am merely a student of these great men.
satan: Listen, you're starting to annoy some of my followers. What do I have to do to get rid of you? Are you in need of a good rebuking. Fine. I rebuke thee, Satan. Alright are we finished? Good.
kirk: I'm glad you cleared that up. I didn't doubt you for a second.
Pat Robertson understands the good and the bad in the world-his relationship with God is a special one, and helps him to see through the fog of moral relativism.
Perhaps instead of criticizing, we should be listening-a man of the moral fortitude of Pat Robertson quite obviously has messages important to all of us seeking to live a more righteous life in these troubled times.
I feel your pain-it was not long ago someone accused me of being that disgusting spawn of Satan, Jolly Roger. When I read this, I went to Jolly Roger's blog and was so shocked by the appalling filth I saw spewed all over those hateful pages that I sat stunned. What would make someone hate me so much that they would associate me with such disgusting liberal scum?
Conservative Patriot: I think we both know the answer to that. Hillary Clinton. Her hateful influence over the liberal masses is undeniable.
conservative patriot: That's not surprising. Liberals seem determined to sully the reputation of any God fearing man. Just look at the rumor they started about Dr. James Dobson being gay.
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satan: Despite your best efforts, you have not inspired fear in the hearts of any of my regular readers. The only thing you've done is seriously irritate all of us.
I've deleted your comment and any subsequent comments from you will be deleted. You're like one of those annoying yipping dog, only slightly more obnoxious.
My problem with Pat Robertson is not his religion. It that he has no grasp of the facts. Hugo Chavez is a *democratically* elected leader. The Bush Administration helped fund a the recall of Chavez with tax payer money and Chavez won the presidency again. Chavez isn't a dictator. He is a leader of country with more oil than the US that can't be controlled by the Bush Administration.
What are the crimes Chavez has committed that would make him a target of an assassination anyway?
Anonymous: You are ill informed. I just got done watching the 700 Club (I tape it) and they clearly state that Huey Chavez is a dictator.
Tell me you are`kidding.....
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