Stay the Course in Iraq
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

March 20, 2003 the Whitehouse announces:
The opening stages of the disarmament of the Iraqi regime have begun.The Iraq war has begun and the mission is clear; we must eliminate the imminent threat Iraq poses to the United States of America. We must disarm Iraq.
Fast forward to today.
It's more than a year later and Iraq is free, democracy is flourishing, and Saddam Hussein – one of the chief architects behind the September 11th attacks – is in prison.
Now after President Bush's success in Iraq the loony left want the United States to pull our troops out. Their position is now that Iraq is a free country why do we need our troops to stay over there and enjoy an all expense paid vacation on the tax payer's dime?
I've got news for those liberals: The mission is not over.
Our troops are hardly enjoying a vacation. True, the hospitality of the Iraqis make it appear to be an easy job, but the fact is we are not finished disarming Iraq.
Disarming Iraq is hard work and we are still turning up weapons caches on a daily basis with the help of the grateful Iraqi people. Most liberals say,"Why don't we let the Iraqis disarm themselves?"
While the Iraqi forces are certainly ready to take over security operations themselves, they do not have the experience of the U.S. military in disposing of weapons.
Imagine if we followed the liberals' advice. We'd have some Iraqi child lose their fingers because some Iraqi environmentalist, probably from Greenpeace, recycled a grenade into a Mr. Grenado Head. You can bet that John Edwards would then sue Hasbro alleging the toy company somehow influenced the poor naive environmentalist.
No, we cannot allow this to happen.
For the sake of world security and Iraqi children, we must stay the course and disarm Iraq.
Well said, Robert. It's so sad that liberals are so unable to accept the truth about what's really going on in Iraq.
I agree with Michael. It’s nice to hear the truth for a change.
As we all know, Al Qaeda helped Saddam move his chemical and biological stockpiles to Syria and Iran. This must be addressed, soon.
Yes, very true. Thats obvoiusly where saddam put them when our inspectors came to look for weapons. I mean if you were saddam and you didnt want america to know about your weapons, what would you do? What saddam did.
Ive explained this to liberals in the past, but they give the typical "nah" rebuttal just to disagree with me. Its the typical, america hating, talk that will get them no where.
Michael and Kirk: Thank you for your kind words.
Conservative Patriot: I can tell you are well informed, but I’m sure our Commander in Chief will not rush into another conflict before we finish our mission.
I would think we should be done in Iraq around the October time frame; therefore we should deal with Syria and Iran then. Patience my friend.
Your right Mr. Steele, we must stay the course. If we withdraw those Muslims will have won. We must conquer all the Islamic unbelievers or at least show them the gift of Democracy and hope that it will help save some of them from the fires of hell for worshipping their false representation of our Almighty God.
The God-less liberal heathens want us to leave Iraq because they know that we are doing a good and holy thing, and it pains them to witness more people who are being turned towards the only true faith, Christianity.
Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who died so we could be forgiven our sins. I want everyone to stop for a moment and thank him for appointing a such a strong principled and holy man as our President to lead us in this trying time.
Giovanni: I just wish we would move a little faster in converting these heathens. We should demolish all their dusty old mosques and put up brand new churches. That should help speed things along. Once the Muslims actually get to see how beautiful Christianity is, they’ll be very excited to come on board.
Great Idea Kirk! I never thought of that. Ithought that most of them would just kill themselves, and the others would fade away, and their religion would be forgotton, but instead we could add them to our christian garrision!
This is a truly great post and a strong rebuttal to that liberal pacifist Cindy Sheehan.
I think it would be important to address her directly because the only reason people are talking about withdrawing is because of her treasonous statements in the news.
Here is my (and some of my fellow freepers) take on the situation.
A soldier’s Number One job is to stay alive. If you die, you can’t accomplish the mission, and you weaken your team and put your unit in danger.
Obviously Sheehan’s son, Casey, failed.
In war, there are no excuses. You find a way to stay alive, whatever it takes — if you’re a good soldier. Sheehan’s son didn’t do that. He paid the price. But he also failed the mission and let down his Unit (and America) down.
As a soldier, he was a failure. He was brave (maybe), but he was also incompetent.
So, really, how much exactly are we supposed to grieve over this guy? Isn’t a certain amount of disapproval in order for the guy — and by extension his mom, for making such a fuss over a person who was, in the last analysis, by definition a failure?
So shouldn’t Mrs. Sheehan be showing a little more shame about the situation and maybe not wanting to get her son and his failure to his country splashed all over the media?
Freeper Addict: I'm not sure who this Cindy Sheehan is, but your analysis of a soldier's duty is on the mark. Unless you are explicitly ordered to die then by dying you have failed to complete your mission and in turn have failed your country.
Mr. Larkin: You truly are a great war analyst. It is a wonder that FoxNews or WorldNetDaily haven't hired you yet.
Neither myself or my fellow freepers had thought of the occasion where a soldier would have be ordered to die. You are correct in your assesment. A soldier is only not a failure when he dies, if he is ordered to die by a commanding officer.
As for Mrs. Sheehan, she is the mother of a marine who died in Iraq. She gone to Bush's ranch in Texas and is camped outside. She is attempting to transfer her shame for raising a son who failed and in so doing aided the jihadis in Iraq to our Godly President. It's the reason thatCNN (Communist News Network) and the rest of the MSM (Moore-Soros Media) are ranting hysterically that we should immediately pull out of Iraq.
The only good news from the entire story is that a bunch of crosses with the name of soldiers who died in Iraq written on them got run over by a true Conservative American Patriot.
Freeper Addict: Don't buy into the liberal media's lies. Cindy Sheehan isn't a real person. The liberals just staged this whole thing. Rush Limbaugh has already uncovered this propaganda: The Cindy Sheehan Lie
great site guys!
Mr Grenado Head?
«It's more than a year later and Iraq is free, democracy is flourishing»...
do you have no access to independent news? do you have no idea that have died more Iraqis after the so called end of war than before?
come on... you can't be so blind!!!
Anonymous: Are you mentally competent? I couldn't understand a word you said.
i'm sorry... maybe my english isn't the best. but my point is that the so-called war on terrorism in Iraq has not brought any peace and justice for Iraqis.
Of course, during Saddam's regime, people had little freedom. But today, people continue to have no freedom. SO, WHAT HAS BEEN THE DIFFERENCE? Yesteday: dictatorship of Saddam; today: dictatorship of Cheney and friends (because no one can believe that GW Bush has skills even to open a beer can LOL)
i agree w/ the previous intervenient. it's time for the true americans rise up to the challenge and begin to face the truth: we are led by an incompetent so-called leader!!!!
the war on Iraq only has done some good to oil companies. we are losing soldiers every single day. iraqis are losing their sons every single day. WHAT IS THE HUMANITARIAN GAIN IN ALL THIS? none whatsoever...
Anonymous: Perhaps with your broken French English you missed the part about the Iraqis being grateful. Please reread the article and I think you will find that you are completely wrong. Possibly even traitorous.
"Now after President Bush's success in Iraq"
Wow. I am speechless.
If you want to seriously help children, leave the Oil-rich Middle east alone and help Africa.
Glyn: I am happy to see someone here take an interest in Africa and appreciate your comment. I know I neglected mentioning it in my article, mainly because Africa has been off the radar as far as most Americans are concerned, but I would like to point out that Iraq is the central front on the war against poverty in Africa. I hope you feel that I have addressed your concerns.
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