Justice Sunday II: an Unworthy Sequel
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

We were supposed to be told how to feel about John Robert's nomination to the Supreme Court, but I got no reassurance about this man's godliness.
Here's what Dr. James Dobson, of Focus on the Family, had to say about John Roberts:
It looks like Judge Roberts is, and we believe so, a strict constructionist -- Or what Justice Scalia calls an originalist.Oh, you think he is, do you? Well as long as you're somewhat certain about this then I guess I'll fight to get this man on the Supreme Court. Thanks for handing me a big basket of dissapointment. I was just looking for an endorsement a little more decisive than one John Kerry would give. "It looks like" isn't quite good enough, Dr. Dobson.
The further advice I was given was to call my senator. Call my senator and say what exactly?!?!
Should I perhaps say the following:
"Hello Senator, I'm one of your constituents. I would like you to vote to confirm Roberts for the Supreme Court, maybe... unless he's not a man of God, then in that case don't vote to confirm him."
Thanks for nothing, you bunch of jerks!! I now know exactly what I knew the day Bush selected Roberts, and that's exactly nothing. What a waste of a Sunday evening. I AM SO ANGRY. Now before I explode in a blinding rage, I'll share with you the one part of this wasted evening that did make me smile. Here's what Catholic League president William Donohue said:
We're going to send in counselors for [the left] to deal with change. No, we won't send any priests or ministers or rabbis because we respect the fact that they don't believe in anything.That one made me chuckle, but I guess I'm just a sucker for a "liberals are godless unbelievers" joke. That calmed me down a little bit, but I'm still seriously perturbed. It seems the leadership in this movement is severely lacking. Herman and I may need to take the reigns. It seems that the two of us are the only ones you can count on nowadays. They really should have called this event "Justice Sunday II: We're a bunch of worthless clowns"!
Note: You can listen to the broadcast, but I wouldn't waste my time on it if I were you.
I'm sorry Dr. Dobson was so disappointing. But what do you expect? Rumor has it he's a big homo!
anonymous: Herman cleared him of those charges in his last post. But I don't know why he should have even bothered.
Michael: I’m starting to get worried. This site is becoming filled with drunken whores that actually type out their fornication noises. I can only imagine what they are doing while leaving their comments. Sickening.
~ty~: I have to say, that I don't care for Jon Stewart at all. I find his sacarsm and wit somewhat irritating. As for his book, well I'm always looking for good kindling.
kirk: I usually think you bring up great points on this blog, but fornication noises? I just don't see that at all. You need to just calm down. A cold shower might help.
Michael: Once again your compassion prevents you from seeing what is right in front of you. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to criticize, but Giovanni did have to point out that you failed to recognize that a certain commenter was commenting on premarital sex in the very post that dealt with Mrs. Balloni’s advances towards me.
This woman is obviously drunk. Listen to her ravings here. Now reread her comment. Just imagine how those “oh’s” sound. Perhaps you need the audio in order to see what this harlot is doing, but it is quite clear to me.
I’m not about to allow another Balloni episode to occur at this site that I cherish so much.
Stay away from me ~ty~!
I’m sorry to double comment, but the woman classifies herself as a “skank” near the end of the audio. This is hippie talk for whore. I looked it up. Not that she needs to use the label, she talks about needing condoms and about have a “nice rack.” This is a term used by “skanks” to brag about their heaving breasts. In addition, she specifically talks about when she is drunk. I really think this backs up my comment completely.
Michael, I have to tell you, I was a little hurt that you didn’t have confidence in me. I hope you see that I was totally right on this one and then some.
kirk: You forget yourself. The only mistake I made was to allow myself to be corrected before. Your role is not to question me but to follow.
You are a good man, kirk, you just need to understand your place. To atone for your isolance, you are not allowed to comment to this post again.
I fear that in the ranks, there is too much uncertainty about Roberts, which in turn has begun to make me uncertain. Are we dealing with another Souter? Traitors often blend into the patriotic fabric for decades, until the chance to be treasonous on a grand scale presents itself.
conservative patriot: After hearing the news that Roberts was not so disgusted by the very idea of homosexuality that he would work pro bono for a gay rights organization, I have my doubts. I really do feel like we're about to get Soutered, possibly even with our pants on.
I feel you Mr. Steele. Dobson ruined my whole Just Us Sunday 2 Bar-B-Que.
He sounded like some sort of namby pamby liberal who couldn't make up his little girly-man mind.
I had to switch from Budweiser to Wild Turkey just to keep from breaking down into tears.
The radical socialist feminists that are rule this country are running it into the ground. Dobsons sad performance Sunday night shows the depth to which they have perverted America. When even a Strong Conservative Christian like Dobson can find himself unwittingly penetrated by their Satanic Weakness.
From now on CFVA is where I will get all my oppinions from.
And ~ty~, put a shirt on you jezebel. You are leading Strong Conservative Christian Men's minds astray!!!!
red state warrior: You can bet if I were in Dobson's position with his political influence I wouldn't have the nerve to come out with such an ambiguous statement. It truly is disgraceful.
You are wise to turn to us for guidance. We will lead you to the path of righteousness.
Oh thank goodnees I wasn't the only one who thought Justice Sunday II was lacking. Your absoutely right Mr. Steele, you and Herman should take the lead. Your moral values are unsurpassed.
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