Justice Sunday II: Judicial Reckoning
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

Well, thanks to the overwhelming success of the first Justice Sunday, the old gang is back again. This time the event is to be called Justice Sunday II: God Save the United States and this Honorable Court. While I agree that we again need to be taught the importance of appointing Christian judges, I think the event should be called Justice Sunday II: Judicial Reckoning. I just think this name has more punch and would attract a younger audience.
But I suppose I'll give the good doctor some credit, he has decided to appear as a guest on the Hannity and Colmes show tonight (9PM ET) -- a show very popular with the youth of today. That's right, kids, Sean Hannity and Dr. James Dobson in the same room -- pretty rad, huh? I just hope that idiot Colmes decides not to come into work today and ruin this totally awesome interview.
But I digress.
Justice Sunday II is happening on August 14th at 7pm ET. It will be shown in some churches and on various religious networks. This Justice Sunday sequel will also feature a true man of principle: House Majority Leader Tom Delay.
I honestly can't wait to watch this, because only then will I know whether John Roberts is a good pick for the Supreme Court. They're sure to talk about him and how I as a Christian should feel about him. All I need is a wink from Dr. Dobson and I'll know Roberts is a true man of God.
Justice Sunday II: Get Ready for a Judicial Reckoning of Biblical Proportions.
kirk, That's not a bad idea. I have some holy water that I'm saving for the event. A lime wedge and a few holy water ice cubes and this should make quite a refreshing drink.
Just wondering if you really mean to say you are unable to ascertain the merits of Judge Roberts yourself. That's sure what it sounds like.
I to am eagerly awaiting Justice Sunday II, I can't wait to view it, in fact I am taping it and making copies of those tapes so I can distribute them to those in my neighborhood who may not have been good enough Christians to watch it.
However I realize this is not going far enough. Based on what the speakers at Justice Sunday II say I will either start campaigning hard for Judge Roberts (If they agree that he is a good God fearing man) or hard against him if they even hint that he might be a liberal or one of those pinko commies.
This is not doing enough either, I will be forcing my godless liberal father to watch Justice Sunday II so that he can see the enlightenment of a true Christian God Fearing Society.
Thank you for your wonderful blog entry Mr. Steele, your insightful writing always brightens my day.
-God Bless you Sir.
mike, do you expect MGS to make a decision on Judge Roberts without getting all the facts? That's how liberals make decisions, not Godly conservatives.
Just wondering if you need to pull your head out. That's sure what it sounds like.
Mr. Steele, I have had that drink. It’s called ‘Salvation on the Beach’ and it is delicious! Add a little tomato juice and it is called a ‘Stigmata’.
Another favorite of mine is the ‘Harvey Hymnsinger’, which is 4 oz. soda water laced liberally with righteousness.
mike: the verdict is still out on Roberts. Maybe you should have read my post Is John Roberts the Right Man? before shooting your mouth off like this.
I mean how can I support this man unless I'm sure he will go out of his way to overturn Roe v. Wade? You liberals can be so dense.
giovanni: While I certainly don't lack the moral vision that Dr. Dobson has, I don't yet have his political clout and access.
If I could take Roberts temperature myself I could let you and the rest of the followers know what we need to do next. All I can tell you right now is to watch this broadcast.
wichitajack: I'll have to try out your drink recipes. They sound almost sinful but the lack of alcohol would alow me to enjoy them guilt free.
Again, it has come to my attention that part of the constitution, written by those holy men you so much admire, seems to be completely disregarded in the selection process of judges. A judge in the good ol' U.S. of A. is chosen to rule according to what is written in the constitution, not according to his own personal beliefs. Although some feel it should be the other way around, some also believe that freedom of religion is crucial to their choice of whether or not to live in the United States. Knowing you, you'd like to have all those non-believers banished, but if you believe they shouldn't be allowed to worship freely, then the U.S. probably isn't the right country for YOU.
We do not live under a theocracy, and that is very much not argueable.
Allisoni - Perhaps you should have said:
"Under a theocracy we do not live, and arguable that is not very much."
If you need any other tips with your Yoda impersonation, let me know.
Mr. Steele, I couldn't help but notice you were comparing drink recipies. While I refuse to drink alcohol for several reasons (it is the devils drink, and it is illegal for someone my age) I still have a few good recipies for non-alcoholic drinks. Have you ever tried making lemonade with holy water ice cubes and a dash of sugar? It is simply amazing. You can actually feel the good lords holy water purifying your system.
You seem to be missing the point. By telling fellow Americans that they will go to hell if they do not worship your god and appoint judges that will rule according to the bible rather than the constitution, you are not being an American yourself. That having been said, you seem very proud to be unAmerican.
As you should plainly be able to see, I don't hide my beliefs and opinions from anyone. I am fighting for this country to remain solid in what it stands for, and you are fighting to see it overthrown by religion. I have certainly been called un-American but you continue to give that label to yourself.
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