Moral Mailbox: Foul Liberal Temptress
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

I recently had a young woman flirt with me in the comment section of a blog. While I spurned her advances, I must admit that at first I was flattered. I feel I have been sinful since I’ve been happily married for 29 years and probably should have been immediately outraged at this harlot’s flirtation. What can I do to make this right with God? Sincerely, CurtNow Curt (not his real name) is being faced with a very real and very serious temptation. Upon talking to Curt a little more I discovered that this temptress was a liberal, but honestly I didn't need him to tell me that. It was more than obvious from her behavior.
You see, I could deduce this from the fact that this woman was bold enough to initiate this flirtation. She is clearly too aggressive and should learn that it's better to allow the man to take control in this sort of situation. In trying to attract a mate, women should always remain passive.
This shameless behavior is a direct result of the radical liberal feminist influence on our society. Apparently this idea of strict gender roles in which the man has more power isn't really fair. So the feminist alternative is a relationship of mutual respect where power is shared and no one person rules over the other. There's a problem though, this leads to strong disagreements and is not at all what God intended.
In order for a woman to be a good wife she must be submissive to her husband. This woman who acts so aggresively would clearly make a terrible wife as she would attempt impose her own will at the same time her husband tries to impose his. I'll tell you, you give a woman an inch and then she expects the 3 feet that God entitles a man to. Absolutely Ridiculous!
So my advice to you, Curt, is to let her know that her domineering behavior will make her a bad wife. The fear of never finding Mr. Right should be enough to set her straight. Just don't blame yourself for any of this; you're just a man and women are expected to show more restraint.
Send your own moral queries to: The Moral Mailbox.
Thank you sir for your kind words.
I fear that this liberal fornicatress is beyond redemption and I may have to change my identity to end this cyber stalking. I still feel a bit guilty. Was there something I did wrong? But as you so rightly pointed out, this isn’t my fault. It’s the fault of rampant lesbian feminism.
Thank you once Mr. Steele for your insightful comments. SHouldn't these liberals be punished though for intentionally attemptng to make the man commit a sin?
Women were created by God so that man could procreate, but these liberal feminist evildoing sinners claim that the S word should bring them pleasure as well, its probably why so many of the feminists commit the blatant act of hedonism known as homosexuality.
Procreation NOT Pleasure.
Women are evil, just look at Eve.
anonymous (curt): Yes, the blame belongs squarely on the culture of sexual permissiveness created by liberals. Of course this temptress is also responsible for her actions.
Perhaps your wife is partially to blame as well. If she were truly meeting all your needs then you wouldn't be the least bit tempted. Maybe you should tell her to try harder. Just try not to blame yourself for any of this.
giovanni: you're absolutely right. I don't think I would be wrong to assume this liberal seductress wanted only pleasure. It's just sickeningly immoral.
My girlfriend iniated everything we ever did, was extrmeely aggressive and guess what? GASP!!!
She's a rabid conservative!!!
Michael, I think you hit the nail on the head.
I just don’t understand, because my wife and I have been to counseling with our priest. What better expert to advise on the affairs between man and woman than a priest?
Surely our problems must be because of the wickedness of my wife handed down by Eve herself. Now that I think about it, a few months ago she was talking about trying a different... I don’t know how to say it. Something other than the proper way of holy union, something animalistic. NO I said, the Lord’s way is the ONLY way!
I fear she has succumbed to liberal influence, but I know if I keep doing things the Lord’s way everything will work out.
Pray for us.
Scribe is lying-his girlfriend may talk the talk, but she obviously doesn't walk the walk-her walk is more in line with what used to be called a "streetwalker" walk.
The blatant liberalism that encourages women to abandon their husbands and families, and embrace lesbianism, will be written in the history books of God-fearing civilizations as the keystone that, when removed, allowed American society to collapse.
Why do liberals want to destroy the family? Ruin the lives of children? Bring America crashing down? This is the real question, and you better believe that these liberal Feminasties will continue to try to compromise good men like Curt in their quest to kick the underpinnings out from under those of us who only want to love our family, serve our country, and praise our Lord.
scribe: I hate to break this to you, but conservative patriot is right. Let's not forget what Pat Robertson said about feminism:
"[It's a] socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
Sorry, scribe, your wife is probably a devil worshipper.
anonymous: Your wife wanted to have sex for reasons other than procreation? I truly feel for you.
You are definately doing the right thing. Try not to not listen to her godless talk of mutually satisfying sexual relations. Stay strong.
Mr. Steele it wasn't a wife scribe was talking about. The hedonist was talking about his GIRLFRIEND!!! The sinner actually had pre-marital sex. I am sick just from thinking about it.
The first time a man and a women should do anything together besides hold hands is AFTER they take their wedding vows.
Scribe you are a selfish hedonist and will surely rot in hell unless you find a path to redemption from your sinful ways.
As for your girlfriend, I fear that not even Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ himself could save her from her hellbound path.
Your girlfriend is obviously not a conservative, she is merely a godless liberal harlot trying to infiltrate the ranks of our compassionate Christian conservative brotherhoood.
kirk and giovanni: I guess I just like to view people in the best possible light, even if they are godless apostles of evil. I now see my mistake, she's a girlfriend not a wife. This makes everything so much worse.
Maybe I'm a little too kind and forgiving, I'm going to work on that.
No, do not give up Mr. Steele, your forgiveness of people is what makes you a better persona nd more importantly a better Christian than myself. It is why I turn to your website for advice.
We must seek out this godless woman and make her see the error of her ways.
No one man can convert a godless person Kirk, by we I mean our entire Christian Community with Mr. Steele and Mr. Hayes leading. We must put this matter in their wise hands and lend any support we may be able to give them.
Christianity is about Community against the heathens, the hedonists, and the other unwholesome groups that walk this earth. We must band together and unite against them.
May you continue to be completely disgusted by my comments. Once again, I feel for the wives of those who think less of the women they are supposed to love and cherish for the rest of their lives.
You claim that a man is 'entitled' to take three feet were a woman should only take an inch. Your reading of the bible is incorrect. God created men (including women) equally. God said 'husbands go on loving your wives.' Men DO NOT have an automatic right to assume they're more entitled to more liberties than their female counterparts. It's not a case of 'poor poor man, you were tempted by a liberal slapper;' let's be rational and also learn to take some responsibility. Jesus didn't shout down prostitutes. When one came up to him and asked for forgiveness, saying she would change her ways, Jesus forgave her. He also spoke to gentile women whereas other Jewish leaders wouldn't. Call yourselves conservatives, patriots (Jesus renounced the House of the Lord being involved with politics + money) but wouldn't the rational reaction been just to turn the other cheek? Oh of course not! The 'dilemma' was a good excuse to put women in their place and get all the sexist, hyper-male, tightly wrought nonsense out your bigoted systems!
Allisoni, you stated, “Once again, I feel for the wives blah blah blah…”
Your words betray you! By using the words ‘once again’ you are saying that you felt sorry for our wives before, then you stopped, and now you feel sorry for them again. If you felt sorry for them continuously, you would’ve said that you ‘still feel for them’. Therefore we must conclude that for a while you didn’t feel sorry for our wives. Perhaps you even envied them! Perhaps that is why you are so intent on destroying happy, loving, Christian marriages!
Enough is enough, Ms. Balloni! We will put up with your slutty advances no more!
anonymous lesbian, you are a typical liberal deviate distorting God's word to advance your unnatural agenda. It won't work here missy!
I am not a lesbian. I am not even female. I didn't expect you to agree with my reply. That would be like changing water into wine: a miracle.
You can bet one thing for sure. Jesus didn't call the prostitute (and the woman who 'flirted' was no prostitute) a 'foul liberal temptress.' What sort of language is this? You should be ashamed.
It is STILL a problem that you cannot properly read and interpret what you somehow manage to process at all. And if you are suggesting that I would have "envied your wives," isn't that what you want? Is it not your mission for me to bow down and subject myself to your ways? Contradictory, I would say, that you then think that would be a bad thing. Also interesting that you would consider someone half your age a threat to your oh-so-happy marriage. Maybe YOU are the one that needs to control yourself.
What? You are coming out of the closet? GAY? KIRK IS GAY? Wow. And yet, not that surprising.
Anonymous: You should be ashamed of yourself for calling Jesus a Jewish leader, everyone knows Jesus was a member of the only correct faith, Christianity. Your liberal propaganda sickens me.
Kirk: Don't let these godless liberals try to keep you down. Our community must stay strong to fight their evil influence. You have my full support for all the help it may provide.
Had you read my words properly I didn't actually call Jesus a Jewish Leader. However, have you forgotten that when Jesus was impaled there was a sign in different languages put up at Pilate's request? Isn't it written that this sign said 'king of the Jews'? Or you delete parts of the bible you disagree with? Also, have you read that 'God cannot be tried for evil.' I am not being punished. Try to chill out and stop judging people. Man is a very poor judge of his own kind.
Had you read my words properly I didn't actually call Jesus a Jewish Leader. However, have you forgotten that when Jesus was impaled there was a sign in different languages put up at Pilate's request? Isn't it written that this sign said 'king of the Jews'? Or you delete parts of the bible you disagree with? Also, have you read that 'God cannot be tried for evil'? I am not being punished. Try to chill out and stop judging people. Man is a very poor judge of his own kind.
Anonymous is right. So there.
I've been perusing your blog for several weeks & read many of the articles & some of the comments posted. I must admit I am puzzled.
Do you actually believe the male bovine fecal matter you so liberally smear across these pages?
Just curious.
May the best greet you each morning
There are a few things you people keep forgetting:
1. I am highly respected! You can disagree with me, you can call me a harlot, you can point out the huge lapses in my logic, but you can't take away from the fact that I am highly respected. Do you understand? I am not just respected. I am HIGHLY respected. Why can't you people get this?
2. I am young and hot. You are old and icky. I am the future, you are washed up has-beens with nothing to offer the world. Old people smell funny.
3. I don't give a damn about your Christian values. I will do what I want when I want because I am important. This also means I can do whom I want as well. So if I think a married guy is hot, I will have him. I will use him up and spit him out, a broken shell of a man, and leave his family in ruins. It's what I do. I find it fun.
I am better than you so bite me.
I don't need to watch that violent movie to learn about Jesus. I am right. It's recorded in history what Pilate had written.
Interesting words that have recently been written by someone who just WISHES they were me.
I think perhaps Allisoni is taking a bit far there. I don't think she would wish to wreck any family. Her writing did remind me of Sylvia Plath though about spitting out men. Of course you'll also frown upon Plath just as you will with Allisoni who was making a point, albeit quite extreme.
anonymous and allisoni: you both are wrong, so quit arguing with my followers.
And allisoni, you're better than us? Consult your Bible and I think you will find that you are quite mistaken.
kirk and witchitajack: Keep spreading the word, you are both an inspiration to all who read your comments.
So boys.. own up time? This is a satiral site? You know that liars are frowned upon...
Kirk boy.. you're a liberal. What's the game?
I am glad to know I incurred your intelligent (perhaps) wrath. May I burn in a fiery hell for ever and ever - God willing. I'd hardly call her the queen - she's no porn star (that i know of). And if you resent anonymous posts then remove the facility my good man. Or should that be boy? :(
Ps.. thats not how you spell Gamorrah - that was no silly spelling mistake buster. I spotted you people out a long time ago and I haven't read the bible for years. Tut tut tut. Boo hoo.
By long time ago I mean just yesterday. But long enough.
Anonymous: It’s just like a liberal to have some kind of paranoid conspiracy theory. I’m never sure whether to laugh or cry when I see one of you barking moonbats ranting and raving.
The joke's on you WichitaJack! I'm not gay, I'm bisexual!
Screw you and your whole damn country! I hope the terrorists get you all!
WichitaJack: Thanks for your support, but be careful. This “Anonymous” person seems a little off balance.
Whoever claimed to be bisexual was not me. Ps.. I very much know what a pseudo-intellectual is!! I've been considering your comments and am willing to convert. Just tell me when to cut my manhood off and I'll sign up instantly.
Ps: tut tut boo hoo
Shame, shame
Shame on you!
Pps: pseudo-intellectual isn't defined by how others see you as regards your intelligence. It's about how you rate yourself but how intelligent you actually are - but the rating of this is nothing to do with the outside. You liberal/conservatives are thick.
cut it off now please
Anonymous: You seem to be a very unstable person. You need to see a professional. Perhaps there is a priest in your area that can perform an exorcism.
I stumbled upon this site while researching for a paper I'm writing and good grief you people have got to be the craziest bunch of loons I've ever seen. LOL I mean are you serious. "It's the woman's fault not the man." HA, the guy couldn't keep it in his pants and now it's the liberal temptress who's to blame. WOW, you guys keep writing this crazy stuff so I'll have something to laugh at when I'm bored!!!
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