Santorum for President
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

When it comes time to select who will be our Republican nominee for President, all Christians will be faced with a great choice. There will be the temptation to vote for a more electable candidate such as the moderate senator, John McCain. Since McCain has broad support among both Republicans and Democrats he would be a very easy candidate to run. There is one problem though: McCain does not represent what I want the Republican Party to be.
McCain supports stem cell research, supports homos, and is weak on family values. He is far from a Christian friendly candidate. If you'll remember he even criticized our saintly President Bush in the 2000 campaign for being too closely tied to the Religious Right. McCain simply does not have the moral authority to be President.
Our choice is simple: we must choose Rick Santorum to be our nominee in 2008.
I realize that getting Rick Santorum into the White House will be an uphill battle. In fact there's a very good chance we'll lose this fight, but this isn't about simply winning an election. My hope is that someday every Republican will be a family friendly conservative. We need to make it impossible for a moderate like McCain to win in a Republican primary. We are sanctifying the Republican field and thereby purifying the Republican Party. In choosing Santorum we will send a clear message to dispassionately moderate Republicans like McCain: start looking for new jobs, you godless unbelievers.
holmes: Oh, his strong Christian moral values are baggage, are they? Well, I'm working to put an end to that. The GOP will again be "God's Own Party."
scribe: You are apparantly quite easy to amuse. Well, since it makes you so happy... homos homos homos homos.
hamish: Don't be so niave. Santorum has been a long opponent of the satanic idea of evolution.
I have seen the recent statement you are refering to and I attribute it to the tough Senate relection campaign he is running this year.
I have no problem with him changing his views (at least publically) on this to help him get elected. He's a man of God so a little white lie to make the public see him as moderate doesn't bother me at all.
Actually I'm not easily amused but you out-of-touch loons provide with me hours of titters...that's right, I said TITers.
I would hardly consider a guy who spent a few years in a POW camp a godless unbeliever. I'm reasonably certain that after his first week there McCain was praying to every deity known to man.
scribe: Take your gutter mouth elsewhere, there are Christians who read this blog.
m.r.: Yes, I'm sure he did pray to every diety. Perhaps he worships one of these false gods and that is why he supports stem cell research.
hamish: Yes, looking back at that, there were some misspellings. That comment was typed by my assistant and he's been summarily fired.
But it's not my former assistant's butchering of my words that is leaving you so confused, it's your own blinding idiocy.
>> Take your gutter mouth elsewhere, there are Christians who read this blog. <<
There are also Christians who read Penthouse, what's your point?
very goo
bushcheney08: Very goo? It seems that you're regressing to an infant-like state, and before long you'll be voting Democrat.
I'm wondering how many children you have, and how you are keeping it that way. I am also wondering if you know all the uses for birth control. As a male, I'm not sure what authority you should have over a medication that will never EVER effect your body.
That is not anywhere close to the truth, and anyone who believes it is can't read. Again, you have no problem evading questions that would make you look bad.
I would then recommend some literacy lessons. God is important guys, but come on, so is reading.
As a voter in Senator Santorums home state of pennsylvania I will be voting for him. I will be making sure all the people I know do the same.
We must bring our wholesome values to the rest of the country. Mr. Steele, why don't you run for president. You have clearer moral values than Senator Santorum, and if you get elected then we will still have a good man like him in the senate.
allisoni unholli: Do you get your kicks by badgering those who are morally superior to you? Your jealousy is quite apparent and you anger God in a way only a liberal can.
giovanni: I won't lie to you, the thought has crossed my mind. I won't commit to anything yet, but I'm doing some exploration. I'll keep all of my followers posted on that.
I get my kicks asking questions of those who feel they are morally superior to me and seeing the fact that they refuse to answer.
If that is the answer, I'm not sure what the question was.
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