Cindy Sheehan is a Terrible Protester
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

I think every American has a right to protest while holding up signs that say things like "Bush is a Terrorist," or "No Blood for Oil" or any other extremist left slogan. Also, I think if you're an unwashed bearded hippie it is your right, nay, your duty to scream in the face of a police officer and call him a fascist. The reason that I welcome such displays is because if you're a white guy with dreadlocks and think peace is the only way, then you're incredibly easy to mock and dismiss. Is this somber gathering at Crawford what accounts for a protest nowadays?
When I see Cindy being interviewed on TV, she doesn't even bother to shout through a bullhorn. She politely states her case and is a sympathetic figure to many people. But this all begs the question: where are the burning effigies of George W. Bush?
Well, I guess you're not going to make this easy for us are you, Mrs. Sheehan?
Let me just say though, that I know your son Casey would not approve of any of this. No, I've never met him, nor do I have any indication of what his beliefs really were, but I'm a Republican. Since I'm a Republican I support our troops, Casey was one of the troops and ipso facto I speak for him. He says either start protesting more like those supporting your cause (, Code Pink, Al-Qaeda) or don't do it at all. I want to see you with an arm draped around Michael Moore the next time you're shown on television. You're an embarrassment, Cindy, and since you're not making it as obvious as you should you're also a threat to our freedom.
Why on earth would you support Casey Sheehan if he was killed in combat and you therefore believe that he failed our country?
allisoni: It's quite simple actually, I support our troops. You're a liberal so I certainly don't expect you to understand that sentiment.
Allisoni: Shame on you. Lots of good Republicans died in battle and for you to make such a callous remark like that is disgraceful. Why do you hate the troops so much?
Michael: It’s only a matter of time before this prop of the radical left starts wiping herself with the flag and then burning it.
Why is this woman on television?
Her son was a soldier. Only Republicans can speak for the soldiers.
This woman is a liberal. She can't speak for her son. Only Republicans like Michelle Malkin and Bill O'Reilly can speak for him. They may not have known him personally, but they know are troops better than any liberal.
I'd like to say one last thing to all the liberal anti-war troop haters out there.
Whether it's fighting in Iraq or supporting the troops here at home.
Which reminds me, I need to have a Bar-B-Que for the troops this weekend. That'll show Cindy Sheehan and Al Quaeda!
kirk: I agree. She won't be able to keep up this ruse for long and soon she will expose her true colors. And let's just say these colors aren't red white and blue.
red state warrior: I think a defiant BBQ is a great idea. The counter protest BBQs that have taken place in Crawford have shown those peace loving traitors that their are some real Americans out there willing to eat some burgers for a weekend to support our troops.
yeah, I bet she's one of the cheif liberal radicals of
I am interested to know what you think of my latest blog.
>> if you're a white guy with dreadlocks and think peace is the only way, then you're incredibly easy to mock and dismiss. I<<
seeking for truth: Yes, but I get the feeling she's too radical even for When the real truth comes out it's going to be ugly.
scribe: I clicked on your profile to view your new site but after seeing you had listed your favorite movie as "porn" I don't think I'll be visiting it.
The porn comment was sarcasm, reverend. Please return and read the post. I read yours.
I think that everyone should listen to this
The Voice of America. It pretty much blows that Cindy Sheehan, liberal mainstream media's latest antiamerican weapon, out of the water.
scribe: What is this nonsense? Most people thank me for allowing them to read what I've written. They thank me for sharing my wisdom. Yet you act as if I owe you something. Absurd!
seeking for truth: Thanks for that. My followers, I urge you to listen to this clip, it's a clip from the Rush Limbaugh show of the mother of a marine. She supports the war in Iraq and will make anyone think twice about supporting Cindy.
This is a mother who cries at the very thought of her son dying (don't worry he's still very much alive). Who wouldn't be moved by the crying mother of a soldier?
If that women's son enlisted in the Marines on September 12th, 2001, he wasn't going overseas to Iraq, he was going to Afghanistan. THAT cause was justified, but that's not the same situation.
Mr. Steele: Indeed, I make sure to send you emails thanking you and Herman morning, noon, and night. I trust you have received these. You owe me nothing, I owe you everything.
All: These liberal fanatics that question why the President and members of Congress don't send their kids to war are nothing but a bunch of rabble rousers. They already know the answer. Our government sending their kids to war would distract them from their job. Do you want your senator thinking: Is it worth it that my kid is risking being maimed or killed over this war? Obviously not. If every senator had a kid in the 3rd Infantry Division we would never start wars. Is this the country you want? Of course not, we start wars because they need to be started and anyone against this is anti-American and should move to France.
Allisoni: Thought you'd sneak in while I was typing? Everyone knew after September 11th that we'd being going to Iraq. I don't know where you've been for the past 3 11/12 years, but Saddam Hussein was the chief architect behind the September 11th attacks. It is well documented. It just made sense to rout out the Iraqis in Afghanistan first, then move on to their fatherland.
Well, its not just the crying. She makes some very good points. About how shes dishonoring every son who stepped up to the plate and went to iraq. Bush didnt kill her son. Her son went willingly to die in iraq. And there is nothing more honorable than that. Cindy Sheehan needs to reconsider her own reasoning and logic.
Truth Seeker: Seek no longer, you have found it right here written by Michael and Herman.
You are of course correct about Mrs. Sheehan and her dead son being a disgrace to this country.
Now, I really didn’t want to point out the obvious, but the woman caller making the point should have had her husband call in. I couldn't understand a word the woman was saying through all the sobbing. While I know she was trying to do her part to help her country, she really just made us look weak, perhaps even unintentionally providing a little bit of comfort for the terrorists. I'm surprised such a patriotic woman didn't know her place in American society. Perhaps it was just a lapse of judgment.
I have to agree-the lack of so much as a tie-dyed T-Shirt is unacceptably deceptive.
We should all be talking about the real victim here.
George W Bush. Cindy Sheehan has ruined this hard working God Fearing Patriot's well earned vacation.
How will he be able to lead us with the same amount of stamina, strength and faith after this?
Shame on Cindy Sheehan for selfishly taking out her son's failure on Our Dear Leader.
allisoni: I think as soon as somewhat presents you with something written on this blog to refute your point then you've lost the argument.
kirk: Well put. Although I agree with this woman that called into Rush, I think her husband making the case would have been more appropriate. I mean we've already established with Cindy that the mother of a soldier has no credibility.
conservative patriot: Honestly, would it kill her to buy a tie dye shirt like that? I mean they can't cost that much because hippies buy them and we all know that hippies have no money.
red state warrior: Hopefully Cindy isn't causing our President to lose any sleep. He needs to remain well rested to continue fighting this War on Terror.
i beg your pardon for "entering" like that, but i have only one question to make: is this a satirical blog, or a comedy blog?
because no way you could be talking for real LOL you can't be so allienated from real world!!!
check this out
All: I urge everyone to sign this petition.
Thank you Ben.
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Giovanni, what you just suggested is cowardly. That’s not the way we handle distasteful people in Texas.
I for one think she is going to need some nudging if she is gonna show her real colors.
Every good repulican can learn a lesson or two about Kent State. Just throw some antagonists into the crowd, set fire to downtown and blame on the dirty hippies.
Everything else will take care of itself. Damn I wish ALL of the National Guard weren't in Iraq right now!!!! We could use some trigger happy weekend warriors on the scene pronto!
giovanni: I can't allow threats of violence against people regardless of how despicable they are. Liberals are just looking for an excuse to lock us up, lets not give them an opportunity.
the bastard: I like the way you think. A couple of hippie rabble rousers could really turn around public opinion on this thing.
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