Nazis Don't Cure People
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

Despite his recent leadership failures, I do agree with Dr. James Dobson's take on stem cell research:
You know, the thing that means so much to me here on this issue [embryonic stem cell research] is that people talk about the potential for good that can come from destroying these little embryos and how we might be able to solve the problem of juvenile diabetes. There's no indication yet that they're gonna do that, but people say that, or spinal cord injuries or such things. But I have to ask this question: In World War II, the Nazis experimented on human beings in horrible ways in the concentration camps, and I imagine, if you wanted to take the time to read about it, there would have been some discoveries there that benefited mankind.Dobson's reasoning is bulletproof, as usual. If you perform stem cell research then you're a Nazi. You'd think this fact alone would end this absurd debate. I mean, I personally don't know of anyone that wants to be considered a Nazi or even a Nazi supporter. Although leave it to liberals to once again take a strong pro-Nazi stance.
I guess when you get down to it, liberals aren't all that different from Nazis. I ask you what does it sound like when a group of ideologues (liberals) want to destroy a particular religious group (Christians)? I rest my case.
All of this brings me to the main point that Dr. Dobson alluded to in the quote above. Stem cell research is pointless. There is no promise of a cure, regardless of what countless medical professionals say on the matter. And it stands to reason too because Nazis murdered those who had such diseases as a means to purify their supposed master race. Therefore if you have Nazis doing such research they would only be trying to discover ways to hasten death for those afflicted with Diabetes, Parkinson's, or Alzheimer's. I simply can't allow this happen.
Also, the research itself is reprehensible. I mean think about it, they want to use embryos left over from fertility treatments for research. Sure, these embyros would be disposed of anyway but at least when they're thrown away there's some dignity to their death. The second you start experimenting on these embryonic children is the second it becomes something much more preverse like those Nazi experiments or even organ donation.
Clearly stem cell research is absolutely indefensible and the way I see it, you're either with us or you're with the
See Also: I Am Proudly Anti-Cure and We Must "Stem" the Tide.
I too have been quite disturbed by the rise of Nazism by the liberal elitists. I am worried that at some point Christians will be rounded up and put into "internment" camps. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof – the smoking gun – that could come in the form of genocide against God fearing Americans.
kirk: I really don't think there's any other word for it. We Christians are being persecuted as a people. Stem cell research is just part of the rise of the Fourth Reich led by the liberal elite.
I'm fine with the research being done. I just do not want it funded by Government!
Michael: Yeah, if these people are willing to do medical experiments on tiny embryo babies, just imagine what they are willing to do to adults that don't share their extreme ideology.
pp: We know about your ilk. Disgraceful.
I heard a rumor that Dr. Dobson is gay so why should I listen to anything he says.
political pie: I appreciate your unsolicited opinion but you are absolutely wrong.
While not providing federal funding limits the research significantly, it doesn't stop this liberal mad science from happening. We need a complete ban on all stem cell research.
kirk: I agree. We have to stop this now before it gets taken any further.
anonymous: We've all heard the rumors about Dr. Dobson being gay, but Herman has already refuted them.
Mr. Steele: Great Post. When will we begin calling liberals what they really are "Nazis".
In fact calling them Nazis is unfair. The Nazis only killed a few million Jews. Liberals have murdered hundreds of times the number of Jews the Nazis murdered in their ongoing Holocaust of the unborn just in America.
p.p.: Considering that every post on your page is simply a link to Matt Drudge, and you are here on "CONSERVATIVES for AMERICAN Values" trying to convince us Christian Conservatives that abortion is A.O.K., I would assume that you are just another Liberal-Nazi-Pansy trying to sway us from the Lord's Path by pretending to be one of us.
I have only one thing to say to you "pee pee":
I'm a Libertarian, so I believe if it is not in the constitution it is not up to the national government to mess with.
Stem cell research is a medical issue wrapped around a moral debate. I do not want morallity debated by the national government I want it debated by states and small governments.
That is called federalism.
It's very difficult to refute such reasoned logical thougtful positions. But unfortunately to quote that No. 1 liberal elitist (no not Bill Clinton) Adolf Hitler; "The masses of people do not reason. They are driven forward by hysteria and fanaticism." So keep up the good work.
pp: Yes, as I said before we know your type. To you, Bill Clinton's blow job was a-okay, maybe even a good time. Lying about it was probably okay in your eyes too. Not to us, we take the high road on such issues and would never disgrace the office of the president by lying to the American people.
You disgust me with your lack of moral fiber. You sir are a baby killer!
God will deal with you and I hope soon, because you are destroying our country!
Anonymous: Yes, pp's hysteria and fanaticism is akin to the followers of Hitler. These liberals make me sick.
You're so right when you connect Nazis and liberals. Sixty years ago we united to defeat the Nazis. It will take nothing less on our part to get rid of today's evil. I declare war on liberalism!
In the name of everything that's sacred, we need to win this war.
I'm not completely sure but I don't think this cite is a farce or gag though it would be pretty good if it was. Otherwise I'm left to ponder how you folks have wound up harmonizing on such sketchy positions. I'm being non-specific on the positions because I really don't care what you believe because I don't know you and I may even share some of your beliefs. But you guys are ranting and drawing conclusions in such an obviously slipshod manner that it makes me suggest that you might want to associate with some other people with alternative viewpoints just so you guys don't reach some sort of hysteria critical mass.
Wow, you are quick to attack without knowing where I truely stand. I vowed for Clinton to be impeached, not because he got a blow job, but because he broke the law through lying under oath.
You are right I do not believe Abortion should be banned, but I'm against Roe v. Wade. By the way I believe abortion is despicable and would never do it.
You can be against something morally and still not want it to be a law. When you create laws you limit liberty, and liberty allows people, like you, to be ultra religious.
To name a couple items you believe are immoral and would not vote against would probably be:
-- other religions that are not christian.
-- sex between two consenting audults out of wedlock.
-- Judging others!
By beliving these should not be national laws does that also mean you are going to hell?
I'm very christian and I will pray that God is not going to send me to hell for believing in liberty in its purest form.
Kirk, you should probably spend more time worry about the board in your eye and let me worry about praying to Jesus to rid the speck in mine!
PS. I'm a classic liberal, or a Libertarian not a liberal. If you do not believe me click on the blue link and read for your self!
Anonymous: You share our views? Our views are that you will burn in Hell.
pp: I'll humor you. I know where you stand. Yes, you are a classic liberal. A Nazi. There is no other religion other the Evangelical Christianity. All other religions are pseudo religions – in other words Satanism. Your sex statement – Satanism. Judging others – strangely this is indeed true Christianity, are you trying to trip me up?
It won't work because I have God whispering in my ear. If you don't believe that morality – as in Evangelical Morality – should be national law then indeed you will burn in the fires of the underworld for all eternity.
Oh my lost little lamb, God will indeed send you to Hell for all eternity for the blasphemy you are committing. You did not even capitalize Hell, which tells me you are just some disgusting Satan worshiping liberal.
First of all, there is no plank in my eye. In fact there is not even a speck. Indeed, there is a whole tree in your eye for your blasphemy. I am sorry, because obviously you have been led astray by Satan himself, but until you follow the word of Michael and Herman you will surely burn in the agonizing pits of Hell. Is this what you want?
I fear praying for you will bring me damnation for the evil you have committed. I can only hope you change you ways, because I wash my hands of your sins.
Wow. I will end this debate because there is no debating with insanity.
All people viewing this post and is also thinking about becoming CHristian, I want you to please not judge all christians by the crazy dogma Kirk is spewing.
pp: I see your hidden message: CHristian? Just like a Swiss man to run away from a fight. What do you expect though from a country that allows French to be spoken? The Swiss have the cruelty of the Germans, the cowardliness of the French, the thievery of the Italians and the heathenness of the Romansh. I would say more, but my compassion prevents me from showing disrespect. You sir disgust me.
P.P., you even admit to being a liberal. You cannot be both a liberal and a Christian.
Sex outside of marriage? Abortion? Non-Christian religions?
Why are you trying to pass yourself off as a Republican or a Conservative?
You are nothing more than a whining Clintonite Democrat.
I would think by now that everyone would understand that Naziism derived itself from liberalism. Naziism died because Hitler wanted to move too fast-but his ideological fathers continue their slow, but massive, infecting of the American political body.
Medical issues can be debated alongside moral ones? Are you joking. Perhaps then the nazis who performed human experiments for medical reasons should get a clap on the back? You're radical views are just as bad as the conservatives you lampoon. You're on the borders of extreme.
Medical issues -CANT- be debated alongside moral ones? Are you joking. Perhaps then the nazis who performed human experiments for medical reasons should get a clap on the back? You're radical views are just as bad as the conservatives you lampoon. You're on the borders of extreme.
red state warrior: Good work exposing political pie as a liberal or possibly a libertarian. Either way, we know that his words carry no weight.
conservative patriot: Very true. It's amazing how little understanding of history liberals have.
anonymous: Posting the the same comment twice doesn't make your point any more valid. Furthermore, there is no need for a debate on this issue as I've already come to a conclusion.
Those who do not agree will be labeled as the nazis they are. Sorry to burst your bubble, nazi boy.
You have just confirmed what I have long suspected, All Liberals are Nazi's. Why else would they condone the mass murder of our unborn son's and daughters? I was shocked when Senator Bill Frist endorsed Stem Cell Research. I thought that he was a man of God. Then I found he sold his soul to the liberal Nazi named Satan.
Thankfully our wonderul God-Fearing, Nazi-Hating, Freedom Loving, Compassionate, Conservative, President, George W. Bush does not stand for this non-sense. Perhaps now that liberals have been exposed as Nazi's the non-Fox media will stop supporting them. One can only hope though... And pray to God. I am currently doing both.
giovanni: Bill Frist's decision to support stem cell research broke my heart. He's not a full fledged nazi (liberal) yet, but we do need to keep an eye on him.
I just connect the nazis to Prescott Bush and Bush Jr
Thankfully our wonderul God-Fearing, Nazi-Hating, Freedom Loving, Compassionate, Conservative, President, George W. Bush does not stand for this non-sense. Perhaps now that liberals have been exposed as Nazi's the non-Fox media will stop supporting them. One can only hope though... And pray to God. I am currently doing both.
I'll change that statement to
Thankfully our wonderul God-Fearing, Nazi-Loving, Freedom Hating, UnCompassionate, Neo-Con REICH, President, George W. Bush does not stands for this nonsense. Perhaps now that liberals will die and sent to american concentration camps so the non-Fox and Fox media will support their travesty. One can only hope though... And pray to SATAN. I am currently doing both.
Anonymous: Normally I would vigorously confront someone that made the comments you just made, but it is very apparent that you are just reciting propaganda that you have heard on NPR and PBS. Switch your dial to AM or turn the TV to Fox News and I think you’ll be singing a different tune in about a week. Plus, you’ll save your soul which is currently on the path to an eternity in Hell.
"If you perform stem cell research then you're a Nazi."
Really? How do you figure that?
So liberals can't be Christians?
I find your arguement laughable at best. And what *is* with your bio pics...
Glyn: Since liberals are diametrically opposed to Christianity then how by definition can a liberal be a Christian?
That pic on rhe blog is NOT real mostly airbrushed!
Fox News or AM? PREPOSTEROUS! How much of this UnAmerican Garbage you would spew me. I don't take you seriously at all.
Anonymous: It’s your soul. Do with it what you will. Too bad you won’t get to take marshmallows to where you are going.
RE Kirk: I'll shoot some marshmallows for you
Leave Kirk alone with your fag comments. It is your fault that this country has suffered terrorists attacks!
Want some marshmallows they are good for you
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