I Hate Hillary Clinton
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

I smiled to myself as I remembered the first time that I read Deliver Us from Evil. It was a life changing. I thought this clean cut young man was a fellow conservative putting himself on the road to righteousness, but I was wrong.
I nudged this seemingly upstanding American and showed him the cover of the book I was reading and cleverly announced, "The truth about Hillary is that she pees standing up." The man then turned to me with a look of horror on his face. "What is with you right-wingers and your hatred of Hillary Clinton?" he asked.
Why do I hate Hillary Clinton? Is this a rhetorical question? Sadly, this liberal dunderhead was serious. I replied, "Because she's a radical left-wing extremist and a threat to America." I thought the argument would end there as I presented this idiot with an undeniable truth. But he was not satisfied with this answer.
This fool then expected me to list political positions or public statements she's made to prove that she's an extremist. He just didn't get it. I then tried to explain to this imbecile that Hillary is not at all what she seems.
"Liberals have always tried to paint Hillary as a moderate (and Lord knows she does) but it's simply not true. Mrs. Clinton is a brilliant political chameleon who's been smart enough to hide her true colors for as long as she's been alive. Once she gets the chance, she will unleash her radical left wing agenda upon the world. Hillary is a threat to America plain and simple."
I then started to walk away book in hand since I had sufficiently schooled this young punk. His only reply was, "But you never told me why you hate her." What an absolute moron! I guess it's just one of those things that if you have to ask you'll never know. I hate Hillary Clinton because she's Hillary Clinton and I know that my readers can understand that.
hate is not a moral value, hypocrite.
daedalus: Yes, hatred is in fact an emotion not a moral value. You're doing a great job pointing out the obvious.
The voice does grate a bit, but occasionally she comes up with something at least worth some thought.
Now of course what I have always found interesting about Senator Clinton is that my little teeny tiny pocket-sized friend who used to work for the Congressman from California hated Hillary's guts not for her politics but rather because she never divorced the Billster for all his gratuitous sack-hopping ...
Michael is of course correct as always, but I would like to go a little further and say that hating things that are evil, such as liberals, shows that you have moral values. I mean if you are a true Christian and follow Jesus’ teachings then you obviously are going to hate liberals. Where exactly is the hypocrisy in that?
I also agree with Axinar. Hillary does expose liberal hypocrisy and hatred. She gives everyone someone to think about. Mainly do we really want to tolerate the hatred these liberals are causing?
I have always believed that Hillary and Bill had to have made some kind of a pact with the Devil, as all liberals do. I am sure that Hell is teemong with "Hillary '08" signs.
While Hillary may be fireproof as a result of her deal with the Devil, she's not immune to exposure. And Michael can explain all you ever need to know about Hillary in less than a paragraph.
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Why do people hate her for not getting divorced? Because YOU all want to marry him? It's called "for better or for worse." Considering the divorce rate in the US these days, staying married shouldn't be criticized.
Hillary Clinton is the living example of everything that's wrong with America. She's a Communist AND a castrating feminist. You can't find a more un-Godly, more un-American combination than that.
My mentor, the Reverend Jerry Falwell, hit the nail on the head when he told us that Femi-Nazis and lesbians caused the 9/11 attacks by pissing off God so that He would withdraw His protective shield. This is the shield that has protected all Godfearing Christians for 2,000 years. And God withdrew His Shield. The Femi-Nazis and Lesbians took that shield from us and caused us to be attacked by Heathens. And it's all Hillary's fault! Why is she such a sinner?!?!?
God Michael, every word that comes out of your mouth is just dripping with truth and the American way!!! Thanks God thats all that's dripping!!!
::nudge:: ::nudge:: ::wink:: ::wink::
I never thought of it until you mentioed "the truth" about Hillary peeing standing up by then it came to me....I was watching ::cough:: CNN a couple of weeks ago, she was giving a speech and I could have sworn I saw her grab her crotch and make a "shift" to the left.
I thought about it for a mere second but attributed my dillusion to the twelve pack of Bud I had consumed during the half hour broadcast and the scorching sun burn I had on my neck.
It just goes to prove liberal are all closet cases and we should nail the closet shut.
I love you Michael in a man kind of way. GREAT POST!!!
tom harper: Yes, that's absolutely true. And since Bill Clinton failed to deal with bin Laden during his presidency and Hillary ensured that God was no longer protecting America they both made 9/11 possible.
the bastard: Your excitement is appreciated but I remind you not to get too excited. While, it's natural to love and admire a great moral leader such as myself it is important to make sure these feelings are completely plutonic.
conservative patriot: Satan can hope all he wants for a Hillary presidency, but we simply won't allow this to happen.
allisoni balloni: Who do you think you are fooling by trying to make a pro-family argument on this blog? You've already been exposed as a liberal and we are therefore all aware of your hatred of the traditional family.
I thought people as dumb as michael would eventually forget to breathe and go extinct. We only need to ignore and wait...
When exactly did hate ("I Hate Hillary Clinton") become a Christian value?
You, and anyone who believes that you are even remotely sane or reasonable, are nuts.
You're a moron.
You have no support to your arguement.
It's these idiots (you) in the country that try to have a say in the way things should be run when they have NO clue what they are talking about. Maybe do some research, come up with some support for your case, and then talk. Until then, shut your fucking mouth you ammateur.
I'm not sure why you wrote this. You didn't prove anything to the liberal because you couldn't answer his question.
Your a moron to talk of hating Hillary.The real truth is that you
hate Hillary because she's a woman,she's smart and she's a leader and you hate her because you don't
want to admit to yourself that Hillary would make a great President.You are the type of man that would love to hold women back because of your fear
that women can be great leaders and do one hell of a great job.Look at the women leaders in other countries jerk.You have a macho problem,get over it.
It is not because hillary is a woman that many hate her. Although
im sure that she will use that as an excuse to help rally the woman vote. It is because of what she stands for. She is a liberal wacko who wants to tell everyone how to live their lives. Take her health care plan for example. She wants to take control of it. Do you really think for one minute that the government can do a better job.
The fact is that there are more people with health care than there are without. But under hillarys plan everyone will have the same shitty government health care paid for by only those who actually work for a living. sounds like communism to me. Maybe thats because she is a communist bent on ruling the entire world. King hillary and queen bill.
I noticed that when liberals get upset they start cursing and name calling. Thats what childeren do when they know they are wrong. This must be why they always pander to the young voter. They infuse themselves into our education system in order to influence young minds. It seems to be working as most of their voting base are young voters. But when a person gets older they begin to see how the world really works and learn right from wrong. That is most do. Then all the liberals have left at this point are the middle aged hippie wack jobs who truely believe in their rediculous ideology. But since they keep hammering at the young ones they still manage to get enough votes to keep them in office. Liberalism
will be the down fall of america. it is what makes us weak in the eyes of the world. Liberals worry that some one else might not like us, but what really matters is that they fear us. With fear comes respect. It is about survival, and no one fears or respects a liberal.
How can you whine about liberals wanting to "control your lives" when you whine incessantly about Hillary not divorcing her husband? Religious conservative nuts like you are the ones who believe in strait-jacketed ideas of living - marriage, sex, praying in schools, etc. What a strange way to point the finger.
Wow. Amazing.
I'm honestly looking for specific reasons people hate Hilary online today, wondering how the campaign might end up playing out, and this here is a confirmation of how irrational the hatred is.
You present a statement about how she's an extremist as your position, but then both acknowledge you had no actual specific examples to offer when confronted, nor do you in the post, further showing that you probably really don't have any reason to hate her so much... It's probably one of those juvenile "Well, everyone [I agree with] just knows it's true, therefore it must be."
You can't rationally dislike someone you don't even know personally because you just have a feeling that they're bad (which likely is just years of conservative radio commentators pounding in an unspecific disliking for her). Without a list of things to actually indicate she's an extremist, here you only make yourself appear that much more lacking in rationale or actual analytical ability.
But then again, conservatism kind of requires a lack of thought, now doesn't it?
In all sincerity, how can anyone who has been changed by Christ into a new creation, who knows the depths of their own sin write things that are so cruel.
I write not to revile anyone on this forum, but to correct in Christian love.
Colossians tells us in chapter 4:
5 Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity.
6 Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.
Michael, you not only erred in your treatment of Hillary, who needs the grace of God like any other unbeliever, but also in your pejorative treatment of that person in Barnes & Noble.
You called him an idiot, and imbecile, dunderhead and moron. Of course these are not curse words, but this is hardly the humility and gentleness that a man of God exhibits.
Did you forget that Christ, who is the Eternal God-Man allowed himself to be subject to sinful humans. Our God who is infinitely humble allowed men to revile him and put him on a cross. Are we not encouraged by his own example to live humble lives?
Philippians 2 says:
3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;
4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,
6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.
8 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Or perhaps you don't truly know who Jesus Christ is? Have you really been changed?
2 Corinthians 13:5 Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?
Did Bunyan write such revilings? Did Spurgeon write such things? Did Whitefield, or Jonathan Edwards, or Newton, or William Carey, or any Puritan write to defame others?
It is, however, entirely appropriate to expose sin in any society as we have been charged with proclaiming the Gospel--and sin is the state of men without the Gospel. This is what we are called to do, not denounce liberals. Otherwise, we drag Christ's name through the mud.
One last enouragement, Paul tells us the qualifications of an overseer or pastor (of which all congregants should aspire, not the position, but of personal holiness), one of those qualifications are in this verse:
I Timothy 3:7 And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
We are to be so blameless that even those outside the church can have no legitimate charge against us. Anyone coming to your blog could easily see you are being unkind.
Well, please take what I said to heart. I mean no ill-will, but only wish to confront you with the Scriptures and have the Holy Spirit do the rest.
(all quotations are taken from NASB)
I Hate Hillary Clinton, she is wrong for America and i think she should not run for presented. i believe she hate all man and one day she will teach the future generation that "man are evil". Let some other worthy women run for president. DON'T VOTE FOR HILLARY CLINTON, SHE IS WRONG FOR AMERICA PLEASE!!!!!!!
Can anybody explain the rationale behind the following quote?
"Liberals have always tried to paint Hillary as a moderate (and Lord knows she does) but it's simply not true. Mrs. Clinton is a brilliant political chameleon who's been smart enough to hide her true colors for as long as she's been alive. Once she gets the chance, she will unleash her radical left wing agenda upon the world. Hillary is a threat to America plain and simple."
If she's been that smart how have the Hillary haters discovered that she is hiding her true colors and discover what supposedly are?
Also I suppose that the extreme left that hates her a much as the extreme right is really part of a vast left wing conspiracy?
Can anybody explain the rationale behind the following quote?
"Liberals have always tried to paint Hillary as a moderate (and Lord knows she does) but it's simply not true. Mrs. Clinton is a brilliant political chameleon who's been smart enough to hide her true colors for as long as she's been alive. Once she gets the chance, she will unleash her radical left wing agenda upon the world. Hillary is a threat to America plain and simple."
If she's been that smart how have the Hillary haters discovered that she is hiding her true colors and discover what supposedly are?
Also I suppose that the extreme left that hates her a much as the extreme right is really part of a vast left wing conspiracy?
I hate "hate"
Hillary clinton will be the next president whether you haters like it or not. November 2006 showed everyone, regardless of all the media trying to control the election, that the wave is now for the rightous Deomcrats. You will be given more money, and will have more money because the Clinton's will be back. And you will complain that some mulit billionaire is being taxed to death. But you have to understand that it is for your own good. Bad right winger!--put down that map of Iran.
Normally I would be happy to state that I am more on the Republican side, but spewing hatred is not my cup of tea. I don't personally like Hillary - mostly because of her views and her riding her hubbies coat-tail even though he was a low-life pervert. Anyone who would stay with someone like that for personal gain, is not my idea of a good president.
I believe that both genders were put on this planet to be completely and 100% equal. Just as people were created to take care of each other and the planet. When I read comments like some of the idiotic ones here, I am again reminded that people never do their thinking for themselves. When it comes to politics, the two sides are like little children tugging back and forth on a ball, who each claims it to be their own. One side is always black, and the other white. It is that attitude that is the true fall of our society.
I am a woman, and as such, I have always believed myself to be the equal of any man. Any "man" who opposes such thinking in any woman, is not truly a man, but a frightened little boy. I may believe that women are 100% equal, but I also believe that abortion should not be legal. Perhaps if it had to be done or the mother would die, but any other circumstance should be illegal. Why? Because it's murder. I have done a great deal of study on the subject, and cannot come up with any other conclusion. I am a vegetarian. Why? Because my Dad raises beef cattle, and the idea of consuming a fellow air-breather makes me ill. I believe in God, and I believe that children should be allowed to Pray in school if THEY wish to. This Country was built by those who believed in God. Why do I feel so differently about different things? Because I think for myself. I don't allow my party, my parents, my Church, or anyone else to dictate my beliefs. My feelings probably sound wacky to many hardcore party members, and that is to be expected. Whether you believe in God or not, one thing is true for everyone - and that is the fight for what is good. No, I didn't say "right", I said good. Not everything is black and white, and thus there is not always a "right". I believe in fighting for the good,.. Love,.. Hope,.. Faith,.. Equality.
last time I checked 'standing by your man' was only moral when his sex with other women was a matter of their choice and his. Anything else is just condoning something seriously immoral
Hillary is an extreme liberal because of certain values which have become non-extreme in the democrat party, eg high taxation, high legislation- tax and spend policies.
I mean if you are a true Christian and follow Jesus’ teachings then you obviously are going to hate liberals. Where exactly is the hypocrisy in that?
I don't think Jesus hated anyone. Actions, on the other hand, yes. So what has she done that you hate? She wants to help feed and educate the poor. Is this unlike Jesus? "Sell all of your possessions and give your money to the poor." Recognize that concept? So Jesus was the original communist -- something that would work well, if it weren't for the sin in the rest of us. If it weren't for your greed, why wouldn't you do the same?
The poster of "I hate Hillary Clinton" is an idiot. I guess it's just one of those things that if you have to ask why, you'll never know.
If Hillary Clinton were to die tomorrow I would throw a party. She's a threat to the freedom of everyone in America. The democratic party seems to have become the communist party lately.
Thanks Steele. I'd say really funny, but the satire is so close to the actual, it's kinda scary.
Never fear! Thunder thighs is here!!!!
Lifes a bitch! Don't put one in the White House!!!!
She is nothing but a conniving and lying bitch and I am full of hatred for her! She plans to rape us all with high taxes.
I found my way here looking for real reasons that people hate hillary.
You have confirmed my suspicions that the real reason that most people who hate her hate her becuase they've been conditioned to by the likes of Sean Hannity. Who is more comedian than anything and his schtick is draping himself in the flag and making liberal jokes with ann coulter. A great american indeed.
The fact that you conclude that anyone who isn't Hannitized! is a moron is evidence that you are simply part of a cult. wake up dude.
If Hannity's book changed your life. You need help.
Hillary does pee standing up.
yes yes yes i am a 16 year old kid who knows what im talking about
You wacko conservative ditto-heads always have your noses up your rear ends when it comes to assessing and criticising those with whom you cannot share or argue a point of view! Obviously you can't manage to argue your points of view successfully--conservatives have wrecked havoc in the White and Iraq, they have denied the needy children health insurance, and they don't care about global warming. But mention Hillary and suddenly you are able to throw stones at her "lack of warmth," her grating loyalty to her husband (aren't you guys supposed to be the party of "family values"? So she stuck by her man, while most of you moral types say she should have dumped him for his philandering. Well, give it up guys, you still have the Foley fiasco, the Senators who visit prostitutes (Vitter's wife owes Hillary a big apology, don't you think, after her comments that she would have left her husband for that kind of thing? She's still with him!), her intelligence and political skill. She will be your next President, and she will be so much better at being President than the imbecil we have now that you conservatives will be thinking that hell has frozen over--my God, she just might surprise all of you!!! Rudy the louse has had multiple affairs while married to several wives, and I don't see you criticizing him for his disingenuous sack-hopping. So it goes--have a little imagination, guys, because conservatives have completely demoralized this country by backing Mr. Bush's war. Our country will be safer with an intelligent person at the helm, and Hillary is that person.
All I wonder is that who out there actually believes anything she says? She is unable of standing for anything and just jumps around with her position to gain the support of whomever she is talking to at that moment. We should not hate her, we should feel sorry for her and whomever believes in her lies, half truths and BIG BROTHER knows better position.. Her health bill is a joke and if fought should not stand up in court.. Just tired of the government thinking they work for themselves and forgetting who they are supposed to work for... Yes the people. Its our money and lives leave us alone and do the job we pay you to do. How about securing the border, deporting illegals wherever they are and stopping the drugs.. They get way too much of our money for way too little work and the congress are going to shorten their work week?? Should that not be up to their bosses?? US.
Truly, you are all right. My biggest hatred is of new ideas- just like all of you. If it's not right it's left, if it's center it is weak or just plain diluted. Traditional belief systems have always rung true, especially the really old ones like the belief systems centered around prostitution. As the oldest profession still thrives, it can't be wrong can it? Men and women both have needs. Men need the comfort of a woman, and women need money so this system wil always stay in place. Hillary marrried bill because she wanted to get into the white house, and bill married Hillary for some comfort, even if he needed more than she could supply. Now Hillary holds the reigns and rides Bill like a little pony, right back to the White House. These my friends are called traditional values.
I hate Hillary Clinton because she wants to ban the 1st and 2nd amendment and wants to tax us 150%.
If Hillary Gets Elected, you can kiss your freedoms and wallet goodbye, heck people under Hillary Clinton will be less free than under Stalin.
Um, I would just like to say that Jesus never preached a gospel of hatred. In fact, the people who were considered the worst, prostitutes and tax collectors, were loved by Jesus and often repented of their evil ways as a result. So, even though I do not approve of Hilary Clinton and believe that her platform is dangerous to our nation, I think that hate is too strong and that Jesus would never support hating her.
Hilary Clinton's platform does NOT show philanthropy. If she wanted to philander, she can donate her own money! Plus, if we want to philander, WE should get to choose what cause our money goes to, not her! Her bankrupt-America program that advocates taking our money and giving it all to people who want to visit the doctor for a common cold is just ridiculous. If we don't get a hold on healthcare, everyone will be going to the doctor for every little thing! (and why not, if its free or extremely cheap?) So the people who have SERIOUS concerns have to wait for the petty needs of the others a LONG time before they get serviced. Another thing is that all the good doctors will go to where they can earn the most money, which will not be America if healthcare continues to spiral out of control. If someone needs healthcare for something, but has to spend a lot of money, they should be grateful that the doctors exist and should be willing to pay them for their invaluable expertise.
Hillary sucks. Plain and simple. She is soacialist, and can't tell the handle of a knife from the blade. My advice to all nuetrals, read up on her veiws. She's a communist in an ugly disgusting body.
Hillary sucks. It is only unimformed ignorant Liberals. She is too far left to even be considered Liberal. She is communist. Her Health care plan will suck away tax dollars and increrase the national debt. In addition to this, I have heard that she has been banned from carrying pointy objects. Just a fun fact. She is a horrible Communist who shouldn't be allowed to run a book club, let alone a country. She is a soacialist in the body of an ugly 60 year old girraffe.
I am so bewildered by this posting. I am a confused voter not quite sure where I fall on the "liberal radar". On the one hand I completely understand many conservative arguments. I, too, don’t want to be overly taxed. I, too, do not agree with a welfare state, and feel that “hand outs” in most forms are counter-productive. However I also understand many liberal values. As a small business owner I feel profoundly over-burdened with the exorbitant cost of health care, and feel that the bloated revenues that go straight to the insurance companies should be curbed. I, too, don’t think the war in Iraq was well justified (or well managed), and that our invasion created a worsened state of affairs in that country. With so many “black and white” opinions though, it’s tough for someone in the middle to choose a candidate and feel comfortable with that opinion.
That being said, can someone really tell me why so many people completely despise Hillary Clinton? There may be good reason for it, however when asked so many people make those unassailable assertions like “She’s just a horrible bitch and you’re stupid for not knowing” or “You don’t know why? You must be a total moron”, how is an honest guy like supposed to understand? This particular blog entry is a good example of it. Maybe the guy in the book store just needed some good information to better understand the matter. However the blogger’s response, as well as the “liberal’s” were both immediately abrasive and affronting.
So, without further adieu, can someone give me some logical reasons why so many people don’t like Hillary Clinton. I don’t care if you condescend to me; feel free to berrate me and call me an uninformed baboon with his head up his ass. You can deliver the info however you want, just please deliver!
Jon: Hillary Clinton is despised by many because of her healthcare program and her moral values. Her healthcare program, if approved (which Congress will likely not be stupid enough to do), would 1: greatly increase the national debt, 2: discourage doctors from working in America due to decreased payment, and 3: make it much harder for people who actually NEED to see the doctor to do so, due to the increase of people who don't really have a legitimate need to see the doctor taking advantage of free healthcare. Hillary Clinton is also pro abortion, which is child murder, and that earns her a lot of hatred. She also supports gay marriage, which is considered by some to be sinful and unnatural. Also, in order to do these things, she would support a tax increase. In the end, this would only go to discourage hard, honest work in favor of government handouts.
Please also note that this site is a satire site run by liberals to make fun of conservatives and their values. It says that it is a satire site on the right side.
Hillary doesn't just want to take over America. She wants to take over the world. I have no proof to back up this fact, but I believe it.
you're a genius
hillary is coming for all our souls!
I was working in Washington, DC during the Clinton fiasco. I took the same oath of office he did. The Clintons are a disgrace to the human race. The news media only publishes there politically motivated view of the Clintons. They are not only immoral (both of them), don't get in their way! History will prove, long after my time, that the Clinton (and I hope only 1) presidency did more damage to our country than any president in history. I too hate the Clintons and anybody that votes for Hillary is totally uninformed and has blinders on!
it seems clear to me from this post and the comments that there is something intangible about the widespread hatred for Hilary. That is, one is not able to become fully conscious of the reasons why they disdain her: these reasons are unconscious.
There is a point at which the blogger mentions that she is a liberal (or in conservative terms, a communist) but this has never been enough of a reason in and of itself to draw the sort of hatred Clinton has attracted. I really don't think this hatred has much to do with her politics at all. People disagree with her politics like they do with that of Roosevelt, Carter or Kusinich for that matter. Hell, if your hatred was proportionate to her liberalism than wouldn't Ralph Nader be the anti-christ? but who spends that much emotive energy on him?
So what is Hilary's most pronounced characteristic - that distinguishes her from most other powerful liberals? Can you really say it's anything other than her vagina. And if this is true, than don't we have to ask ourselves 1) why do I find that so despicable? and 2) how is that relevant to her campaign?
like the august 3rd poster, i found this blog while looking for concrete reasons behind the hatred for hillary. i will have to continue my search elsewhere.
also, to the writer of this article; you came off as more of an idiotic ass than the young man, believe me.
you people are cracking me up! "Plutonic" feelings? "Dillusional" thoughts? Clearly, the best and brightest are frequenting this board! Yeehaw, country boys.
I just entered 'why do people hate hillary clinton into google, and I find this trash. Basically, you're browsing the 'retard' section of the local bookstore and you make a very offensive transgender joke which shows your stupidity. The guy then asks why you hate Clinton. You say some absolute idiocy which I won't give the dignity of repeating. The smart person continues to ask you, the stupid old scumbag, why she's a threat to the country. You pretty freaking much reply 'because she's a threat to our country.' Good job Adolf, you repeated his question. You sure showed him.
You stupid hyper-Conservatives. You fail to listen to anyone who isn't full of you-know-what because it might cause you to become sane. You can go right ahead believing in some crackpot book a bunch of priests on marijuana wrote with the claim of 'divine inspiration' if you want to. Just don't go forcing your farce on me, as well as other innocent bystanders.
Go back to the 1950s at the local sock hop you illiterate imbeciles where you belong, when people in the same bed on television was cause for censorship debates. Get friggin serious. It's the 21st century, and I know the idea of equal opportunity makes you weep to Jesus shrine, but learn to deal with it. You've had your centuries of forcing fabrications on the world you stupid Catholics, but the country, and the rest of the world has decided differently. They've decided they like the idea of people being treated with the respect they deserve. If you think this superior method equates to 'Socialist Nazi Communism' as your God incarnate Bill O'Reilly often says, you can just drop dead you stupid dirtbags. Jesus H. Christ(Oops I swore. Too bad this heretic doesn't care.)
I'm not a fan of Hillary, however, the right's hatred of her is beyond absurd. Just take a look at some of the vague reasons people have listed in this blog; communist, castrating, feminist, radical left wing...not a substantial argument in the bunch.
Bottom line behind all of this hatred from the right is the right is scared to death of their upcoming loss of power in the executive branch. They are building Hillary to be the anti-Christ. Sadly, they follow uneducated, misogynistic, dolts like Rush Limbaugh.
Keep on dittoing you idiots.
um, hello... I gave a legitimate reason, you idiot, Tony
Your post made me laugh. But seriously, I need some legitimate reasons to hate Hillary because my liberal friends in San Francisco are not going to stand for my Hillary bashing without some. Help me out!
I dont like hilary, but u guys are really taking this far. She is a real bitch though... GO BARACK OBAMA!
"Blessed are the peace makers" From a well known liberal book....
You can definitely hate evil.
It's evil that both Obama and Clinton voted to leave unprotected all children born alive after failed abortions.
They heard witness of children being left to die, and they did not support Bush in a move to ensure those children medical care.
I hate that. God hates that. There is something wrong with the character of candidates who put a pro-abortion agenda before the lives of even already-born babies.
I think the hatred we feel toward Hillary/Obama began as a righteous anger. We were angry that anyone would give positions of leadership such morally irresponsible people.
The hatred (of persons, rather than their sins) comes in because we have given in to helplessness and anger. We have ceased to say "How long, Oh Lord?" and begun to rely on our own strength to defeat the evil around us.
We need to rely on God's strength, on firm truth and firm words, but not on venomous words and hatred in our hearts.
Lord, please bring us to our knees. Let us realize that we alone are helpless, that we need Your strength to fight evil, and that we can indeed pray that our enemies fail. Lord, teach us all to speak Your truth, and please grant us the wisdom and grace to do Your will on earth with utmost courage and love as Jesus did.
In the name of Christ,
the reason that the "liberal dunderhead" kept asking you why you hate hilary is because you were giving entirely emotional arguments. he tried to have an intelligent discussion about policy with you, and all you did was spill out a lot of juvenile conspiracy theories about hilary having some evil liberal agenda. grow up, seriously. you're hatred, narrow-mindedness and immaturity are absolutely hurting america.
I think it's so difficult to pinpoint what we "hate" about her because it's not really about her position on any issue. It's becuase (I think) she is a sociopathic manipulator. She's brilliant. She says words that don't mean what you think they mean. Her husband does it better than she does, but she's learning fast. It's creepy... Makes my skin crawl to listen to either one of them. I'll offer two proofs here: 1. He stated a few years ago (in a conversation about why Mr. Bush allowed the 9/11 attacks). "I told him to watch out for Al-Quada." Those attacks were complex, intricatally planned, and required pilot training. It took longer than the eight months that Mr. Bush had been in office to plan, so therefore, maybe mr. bill should have said: "I guess I wasn't watching Al-Quada close enough." Proof #2: mrs. bill says during this campaign every chance she can fit it in, "It's wonderful that we have an historic campaign with an African-American running in it." What she's really saying is, He's black! He's black! so all you racists need to vote for me. mr. bill is on that bandwagon, too, and doing a fine job of mesmerizing the masses. I could just puke.
Hillary Clinton doesn't care about the American people. She wants to offer free cancer and health treatments to illegal immigrants while our friends die due to insufficient funds. What a moron!
wow you ultra conservatives are so scared of change you'd let your house burn to the ground rather than come up with a strategy to douse the flames.
you are an insensitive bigot and deserve to rot for all of your unjustified hatred that comes from your fear
i love how conservatives always call hillary this radical leftist socialist... when the reality is (which they so conveniently ignored because they really just hate her because she's a woman) is that she's one of the most RIGHT out of the democrats... not to mention that nearly all of the candidates (republican and democrat) are situated SO CLOSELY all within the same political quadrant:
I really don't understand the hatred thing and what's even more puzzling is invoking Jesus as support for your hatred
My Lord is a loving God and he loves even sinners. The idea of demonizing someone because you don't agree with their political persuasion is just not Christain behavior. in my opinion.
I have alot of misgivings about President Bush. I may hate some of his decisions but I still pray for his health and for him to make the right decisions.
Sorry that I have to ask but I would like you to explain to me like I am a 2 year old child why you hate Hillary so much. You are right, I don't understand but I would like too. There is no judgment here. I would just like to hear at least 3 REAL reasons for your dislike. Otherwise, I will just have to assume that there really isn't a reason and you just dislike her for sake of having someone to dislike. This would be very very sad, especially for adults.
1. She hates video games (I love video games.)
2. She looks like the Joker off of Batman. (Not that I hate Batman.)
3.If I get drafted because of a woman president who never had to worry about it I'm going to be pissed.
Thank you so much for writing this. I have always been able to find something likeable about any political candidate. I can say, honestly, that ever since I first saw her on television back in the early 90s, Hilary Clinton has been the only politician that I absolutely despise. I have NO positive feelings for that woman. And it's not even necessarily because of her policy--I just don't like HER. Just something about her... like that librarian you had as a kid that always just pissed you off.... I just want to slap those overly painted lips right off her face!!
thank god I live in Europe, we know what right-wing fanatasism can lead to from the 1940's
I HATE HILLARY CLINTON she is a moron and finally someone understands her for who she is. A stup
hillary sux
Are you guys being sarcastic?
Yeah of course, stupid question.
I don't like her either.
I'm a proud leftwing nutjob, over here. I am sure you all hate Barack Obama for whatever reason (I support him for many reasons, mainly because I have seen him tell his rally-ers they need to get off their lazy asses and serve their country in civil or military service and that change of our corrupt system "won't come free" - and as someone who works in social services I believe if we don't impose this thinking on our underclasses, the bottom of the US is falling out to all our detriment.)
But I do dislike Hillary Clinton, along with the rest of you. Probably for different reasons. I don't think she is as leftwing as you all think. If you think she is so far left because she is promising to deliver handouts and solutions to the People, I think it is shallower than that. I think she will just do whatever she has to do to be the one in power, and to say whatever she has to say. I don't think she has a platform beyond the elevation of herself. It's becoming disgusting.
There is a sick machine at work in our government, and if nothing else, Obama represents a wrench in the works of the good thing they think they have going.
I don't hate Hilary Clinton. Before all you conservatives jump on me I just wanna say she isn't my favorite person in the world either. I didn't post to criticize you on your word choice though.
As I read through these blog articles I noticed one major note. That the whole time all the liberals spent their time trying to tear down the accusations and insults that were rationally given, and that the same question, "Why do you hate Hilary Clinton?" crops up fairly often and several legitimate arguments have been given but subsequently ignored or not read. No one has actually given a reason to like her now have they?
There have been several reasons to dislike her given such as her plan to bankrupt the country with social health care. The estimated savings for this health care plan of hers is 56 billion dollars. Although the total cost of it rounds up to 110 billion dollars, and I ask you where will that money come from, middle and upper class Americans who could afford the health care in the beginning. Sounds to me like a socialist program, take money from people that can take care of themselves and give it to people who cant and wont because they are lazy.
Again, no real reason to hate her, I can’t see one intelligent conversation or actual fact as to why people hate her.
Now Bush….I can definitely say I hate but for factual reasons.
1) You talk about Hillary taking our freedom away (not sure exactly because there are no facts backing it up) but we do have Bush who signed the Patriot Act which gives the right of the government to “Big Brother” anyone who may be deemed a “threat” – Witch hunt anyone? Our founding fathers would be disgusted at this trample of our basic rights to privacy.
2) You say that Hillary wants to tax us 150% and will ruin America – Hello you right-wing nut job….. Bush’s War will end up costing the American tax payers about $3 TRILLION dollars according to some estimates. This war has cost us so much but has given us no visible benefits, except getting rid of a secular (from some of your blogs, a few of you will have to look that word up) dictator who would have imprisoned or killed anyone that was a threat to his power, especially Islamic Extremists. Now there is no stability in that country and we will pay for that. That came from your own backyards Conservative idiots!
3) Also some of you talking about Femi-Nazi, Lesbian, Woman hating, religious freaks – we already have countries like that in the world – try Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan, why do you want to be like them? Even Pakistan had a Woman prime minister but even in our own country, which is support to be egalitarian, can’t even get pass it’s patriarchal past.
4) Also one quick Comment about being drafted by someone who never had to worry about it, Sweetheart do you really think most of the people (or their Children) who ever enacted a draft ever had to worry about? Wake up – even our own A-hole in chief never had to serve because of political connections.
I don't like her at all but you neo-cons are the biggest bunch of Nazis I've ever seen since the third reich. "My mentor Jerry Falwell told me it was the Femi-Nazis that caused 911 because God was mad at their sinful ways and took his protective shield away from us." I'm not one to preach, but if you really believe that, YOU are the one going to HELL my friend. WOW! What hate.
Look, I hate Hillary just as much as the next guy (maybe more) but you do know how to back up a point, don't you? All your statements you made to the guy in the bookstore were unsupported in the context of your conversation, no matter how true they were. If the conversation went down like you described, you came off as basically saying "I'm right, so there." Would have citing some specific examples to back up your conclusion been too much to ask? A conclusion is nothing without citation.
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Who cares is Hillary is the 1st woman running for president? She puts shame to the female sex.
And she's also a hypocrite. When she tries to get people on her side, she talks about wanting to promote peace. But now she's trying to get Bush to boycott the Beijing Olympics. So much for "peace" from her.
Obama better win.
I HATE American Values and believe in Satan. That's why I want Hillary Clinton to win the White House. The Clinton's have a secret room in the White House where they decorate a Christmas tree with crackpipes and aborted fetuses. American values are based on readers just knowing why you hate somebody without having to say and relishing calling people you don't know IDIOTS because all people are brothers and sisters of Jesus and he was an Idiot. I love HATING things and tearing them down, like lets rip the family apart because the Pope is gay. He would never say he hates Hillary because he follows that IDIOT brother of yours, Jesus. But ya'll keep on HATING in '08 cause its just a matter of time before you get to find out how hate truelly feels.....
ps, I sell drugs to Rush Limbaugh;>
Yeah U-S-A!, U-S-A!, U-S-A!, U-S-A!!
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yall ppl are idiots..hillary is THE best equipped candidate we have...but if you want to choose someone as unamerican as barack with hussein obama following..as he doesn't even salute the flag of the country he's running for. i guess go ahead..but watch your nation burst into flames and the nice neighborhoods..will be HOODS..TRAPS..ETC. Think about destruction of the earth. All it takes is some stupid asses in the ghetto. They'll kill everybody including each other in like 2 years. STUPID UNDEDUCATED PPL.. VOTE FOR HILLARY AMERICA!
An author's credibility is inversely proportional to the frequency of pejoratives used in the writing.
Fool, idiot, imbecile....
How tiresome
Hillary is a Socialist harlot
to run for office is for the people that support you,not for your personal gain!!! hillery pisspot i'm it it for myself.Iwould like to add this bitch is form arkansas,BUT she went to NYC to get a seat in senate ,because nobody would vote for her in ark ,that should say SOMETHING ABOUT THIS BITCH
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We sat around the dinner table, a group of 50-something progressive feminists, bet basketball talking to a friend from England about presidential politics. We were all for Hillary, weren’t we, he asked. Hillary? We hated Hillary. He was taken aback. Weren’t we her base? Wasn’t she one of us? Why did we hate Hillary?
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