Libertarians Are Castrated Republicans
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

Of course members of the Libertarian Party believe in some of the more noble principles of conservativism. For example, they believe very strongly in privatization. They too understand that a company's pursuit of its own economic self-interest always serves the greater good. They also understand that welfare is for the weak, gun control is for cowards, and environmentalism is for asthmatic crybabies.
These libertarians sound like pretty level-headed individuals. I can even almost overlook their calls for drug decriminalization. But there's one simple fact that I can not ignore: they believe in small government and civil liberties more than God.
They don't understand that federal control isn't always a bad thing if it enforces God's law. For example, if a federal law was created that deported all homosexuals that would be an example of good government control. Libertarians seem unable to see it this way.
A libertarian is a conservative without the moral authority of God to back his ideas.
A tax cut is just a tax cut for Libertarians. When you're a Republican, a tax cut is a moral imperative handed down from the Lord Jesus Christ himself. The difference is huge. The difference makes Libertarian arguments for the same issues baseless and moronic.
Libertarians are castrated Republicans, because they lack the power and force of real Republicans. Without God to give legitimacy to their politics, they are as morally weak and insignificant as Democrats.
I put pictures on this site to help liberals understand the wise words imparted to them. Those fools need all the help they can get.
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