Moral Mailbox: Do You Lack Passion In the Bedroom?
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

I didn’t receive one single email that either didn’t contain a question that was too idiotically worded to answer or whose answer was so blindingly obvious that it would be a complete waste of my time to respond to it. I clearly have asked too much from my readers in requesting that they string together a few words to form a coherent question.
One email, while not a moral query, did grab my attention and was sent to me by “Chad”:
What are you to do if you have bad erection? Don t worry, it is not the last of pea-time... The most simple way is to visit our site, order the medication and that is all you are to do!While I appreciate your concern, Chad, I actually do not have erectile dysfunction and am very capable of “satisfying my woman.” Also, if I did have a problem in this area, killing the clock is indeed the last thing I would do.
Do not kill the clock!
To be honest with you Chad, if anything I could use a pill that decreases the level of testosterone that is coursing through my masculine frame. In fact, if you hear anything about such a pill, please let me know. It’s very inconvenient for me to have to shave five times a day.
Unfortunately, Chad isn’t the first reader to broach the subject of my ability to perform in the bedroom through the moral mailbox. In fact, given the number of emails I’ve received on the subject, it would seem that there are some very damning rumors circulating on the internet about me. Clearly some liberal website, like or Media Matters, has turned its attention to me and is running a vicious smear campaign as a means to silence me. They are wasting their time!
Thank you, Chad, for giving me the opportunity to clear my name and for your generous offer of generic Viagra. Just don’t believe everything you see on the internet because these liberal attacks will become more vicious and more common as I ascend to the heights of conservative stardom. Although I think it’s clear to everyone that Michael Gregory Steele is not the face of erectile dysfunction.
Michael: Anyone who has ever worked out with you at the gym and seen your glistening masculine physique would know better than to question your virility. These smear merchants picked the wrong man to attack.
kirk: Of course you're right, the idea that I'm any less than 100% man is completely and utterly ridiculous.
The problem is though that so many people seemed inclined to accept just about everything they read. Can you imagine somebody stumbling upon one of these liberal smear website and just accepting everything that's on the page unblinkingly?
I guess it just never occurs to them to question the validity of what's before them.
Your love not loses its passion. You make it last as long as 10 years ago. I am sorry for the doubtss.
With respect and love, Chad
chad: Keep the love to yourself! While we've established that I'm incredibly virile that doesn't mean that I'm some liberal hedonist who would entertain the thought of a homosexual tryst with you.
And while you're trying to keep your impulses under control, try taking an English class. You sound like an Mexican illegal!
MGS: People seem to be predisposed to buy into liberal propaganda. It is much like Eve believing the serpent and corrupting Adam. This is the very reason I hate liberals, women and dwarfs.
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