Targeting Birth Control
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

I have seriously changed my opinion of this store though after reading about the brave actions of one Target pharmacist.
A 26-year-old Missouri woman was refused [emergency contraceptive] when she handed her prescription to a pharmacist at a Target store in Fenton, MO, on September 30. The woman was told by the pharmacist, “I won’t fill it. It’s my right not to fill it.”But aside from having a policy or hiring courageous Christians to fill (or not fill) prescriptions, Target also backs the actions of their righteous pharmacists:
Target consistently ensures that prescriptions for emergency contraception are filled. As an Equal Opportunity Employer, we also are legally required to accommodate our team members' sincerely held religious beliefs as required by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964... Target policy requires our pharmacists to take responsibility for ensuring that the guest's prescription is filled in a timely and respectful manner.I applaud Target's position on this. They understand that their pharmacists have no professional obligation to do anything that they might find distasteful. No, the only obligation these men have is an obligation to serve the Almighty.
Pharmacists also have a moral obligation to act as an obstacle to any prescription that is an abomination before the Lord. We certainly can't count on the out of control doctors to stop recklessly prescribing birth control (emergency or otherwise). It seems that these pill counters of righteousness are on the front lines of this battle against wickedness and we must do all we can to support these fine men of God.
After hearing this inspirational story, I feel the need to take a trip down to my local Target to show my support. Maybe I'll find a new designer crucifix to hang upon my wall -- maybe something in a lime green with blue accents. Perhaps something a bit more understated, but I guess I'll just decide that when I get there. It's really the least I can do for this fine store. I've misjudged you Target, and for that I am truly sorry.
Frist! Oops, wrong blog.
Dear Mr. Steele, Does this mean you will not be shopping at Wal Mart any more? I'll miss you. While you and I never actually spoke I often saw you at the Christian Music counter at Wal Mart and looked on with inspiration and admiration. I am usually disappointed with the music/book selection at Target. They do not carry enough Bibles and seem knee deep in Doctor Phil merchandise, though I do shop there on occasion for those feminine supplies which are certainly in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, I don't think I need to say anything more than that.
Any chance we will see you back at Wal Mart soon?
Also, I realize it is necessary for you to have word verification for this blog. Heaven knows, there might be some gambling websites that attempt to pay off, I mean, sully the reputation of, Ralph Reed by using your blog for malicious purposes. But should I be concerned that the combination of letters I am typing in might be some sort of subliminal satanic message? Just wondering.
Target runs under-age whores out of its stockrooms.
They chose an apt name for their store as their holiness will no doubt unleash the wrath of anti-Christian liberals everywhere.
blue gal: Of course I will continue to shop at Wal Mart. There's nothing that irks liberals more than hearing about someone take advantage of their low low prices.
Wal Mart is a company all companies should aspire to be. Finally a company that cares about the downtrodden shareholders more than their useless employees.
anonymous: Thanks for sharing but you're wrong. I've just discussed how Target supports family values, but clearly you haven't heard a word I said.
kirk: You said it. I'm sure now all the dark armies of the left will descend upon Target. On the bright side maybe this will give WalMart the chance to take a breather from the constant attack by the left wing loonies. Well, I guess not.
wow... I'm going to assume that this website is some type of sick joke...
it makes sense that you - a flag loving "good american" - would love a place (Walmart) that puts other smaller, more locally friendly, mom and pop businesses out of business. you can lie and say it's not true, but all Republicans (conservatives) want is to save a buck. even if it's taking food out of the mouths of babies in struggling countries. good job on your switch to Target.
ps. the lack of resources for birth control is why so many conservative families are WAY TOO BIG. but it makes sense. the more kids you have, the more people in the world you can directly brainwash with your "have more kids because Jesus wants us to overpopulate the Earth" mentality. again, good job.
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