I Spy a Terrorist Hiding Behind The Constitution
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

The only people who would object to being spied on are those with something to hide. Do you have something to hide? Are you a terrorist hiding behind the so-called "right to privacy" in the United States Constitution? If so then I'm not really concerned that you might have to look over your shoulder wondering if "Big Brother" is watching. If you're a terrorist then anything more than the rights that would be afforded to you in a Gitmo jail cell is too generous.
It's not just the bad guys who should be watched though, because even upstanding citizens like me can benefit from a little government supervision. It's a simple fact that when you're being monitored you're more likely to follow the rules. Law abiding people like myself have nothing to fear from a little government surveillence and we should welcome it. When you know you're being watched, you're less likely to do something that could harm yourself or your country.
Take my family for example. What would happen if I decided my wife Carol should have a bit more privacy? If she wasn't under my constant watchful eye, there's no telling what sort of trouble she could get herself into. Or how about my son, Michael Jr.? Just imagine the kind of depraved things he would do alone in the bathroom if he didn't know I was there with my ear pressed to the door. I won't apologize for thinking my son's "right to privacy" is less important than fighting the evils of self-abuse. Any responsible parent will agree.
And so it is the same for our country. President Bush is simply a concerned father keeping an eye on terrorists and also making sure that the rest of his citizens don't do something wrong. Look, you can say that you believe in protecting civil liberties and other such nonesense but I know what you mean. You see, I've cracked Al Queda's secret code on this one, "I don't approve of President Bush spying on Americans" translates directly to "As soon as nobody's looking, I'll commit a heinous act in the name of Allah."
Hear Hear!
The President stays awake nights trying to outwit the terrorists, and any help he can get, he should get! Does anyone really think that if the President heard about your Uncle Harold's hernia surgery in a phone call, that he'd even care? Liberal scum, stop whining and start focusing on what is important here!!!
My sediments exactly. The Constitution is just a piece of paper, but having Big Brother watch you is a great idea.
Constantly waging war is the only way to keep this country safe, and it's just good for the economy. I mean look at the record profits made by our great American oil companies. This would not have been posslble with a president who paid attention to the weak and whining public. Buck up America.
MGS you are a great father for protecting your sons eyesight.
conservative patriot: Excellent point. It's not like the President needs any help outwitting them, it's more a matter of identifying them.
Enter, wiretaps. Once he finds them, Bush can then use all of his cunning to outsmart those dastardly evil-doers.
joe: I am not only a good father to Michael Jr., but also to all who read this blog. Many see me as a comforting father figure leading them to the true path of righteousness. Keep up the good work, son, you make your father very proud.
Happy Hanukkah,
May your friends...(I'm sorry), your family be LIBERAL with gifts and happy thoughts for you. Nazi.
Why do people still think the Bill of Rights applies to them?
Think it out: is the original US Constitution still valid? No! There have been amendments, and each amendment invalidates the previous ones, for the latest amendment is the valid one.
So! What do you care about the first few amendments? Since there have been later amendments, those are no longer valid, as the original Constitution isn't either!
Michael: I think you hit on another issue in your post. Parents like us are able to protect our children because of our undying love for them. But, the government does virtually nothing to help us. When they first started talking about the V-chip, I thought that is would be a device implanted on the kids in order to either detect or deter unsavory behavior. Perhaps with the growing threat of terrorism we can finally get action by the government. Why not plant a chip on every child below the age of 25 that not only monitors possible terrorist activity, but also sends a mild shock when it detects self abuse?
I agree with Kirk. V-chips are the wave of the future. If we keep conservatives in office I'm sure we will have V-chips keeping all Americans in line.
I'm the first to comment in the new year on your blog. It's an omen. Liberals will defeat conservatives in '06 ( the year of the legal notice) HA HA!! Conservatives will lose their power. THE PEOPLE WILL WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael: IYou sure look like someone who is guilty of something, but I just can't put my finger on it. Oh well, I have a powwow to go to
I agree with anonymous. Why should we pay attention to a 200 year old document. Let's really get crazy and find some 2,000 year old documents to pave the future of our country. We should save the ancient documents as a silly little part of history, but not live by the words of these dead, fossilized bastards armed with ink and quill
I was told by an invisible pink unicorn that this was a good site to visit. I believe Joe was persuaded by pink elephants to make his last statement.
Well, then how do we explain the NSA spying on anti war protestors, who are NOT terrorists:
Also, the NSA spying program started BEFORE 911, truthout has an articel about it.
Even Sen Arlen Spector(R), haas raised the possibility of impeachment.
Our founding fathers lived like eagles, permitting no-one to tread on them and sending a king sniveling away with his tail between his legs, and yet we are prepared ot live as mice, skittering about and trashing our freedoms for a little security.
It's shameful.
Anti-American Americans: If you had nothing to hide then you wouldn't mind the government listening in on your calls. So, what are you hiding? I'll take a wild guess that you are afraid that your neighbors will find out that you are a bunch of anti-American big government liberals. If you are so embarrassed about it, then why don't you just start being patriotic and bury your shame?
so how's school guys?
We are sure you have noticed that Mr. Steele and Mr. Hayes are absent from this weblog. These two traitors are now in custody of Homeland Security. See, wiretapping is good for the country. You can all sleep in peace tonight.
Invest in ham radio equiptment.
God bless America!!!
Courts have already rules the wiretaps are legal - even warrantless. The wiretaps are being done on terrorists/suspected terrorists. The NSA doesn't care about your uncle's surgery - but it does care about driving planes into buildings or whatever it is the terrorists will try next, as well as who is funding the terrorists. So Bush has done nothing illegal in choosing to protect the people of this country.
guilty as charged.
This dirty rat bastard loves to lick ball lickers balls. As a matter of fact he lick balls like a goddam robot. His online name is [BotBoy]
I just wish Michael and Herman would return from whatever righteous mission they are on to restore order to this once beautiful website. It saddens me to see it has been so overgrown with liberalism… and not just ordinary anti-American liberalism, but anti-Christian homosexual liberalism as well.
wire taps, shmire taps! what happened to the good ol' days, when our opponents were clearly marked with the number of the beast?!
. . . or yellow stars of david armbands.
I'm sure Mr. Steele and Mr. Hayes are very busy helping our President in his time of need, but I lie awake at night thinking of both of you gentlemen. You are near to me always and I miss you.
where did you go, Micheal??? come back, I like this blog!!!
I announce that all comments made on Kirks blog shall not have a homepage for me to FUCK with
did someone murder herman and micheal? for shame!
I guess you'll have to reconsider what you wrote.
Not a few...but millions of Americans have been under surveillance...all of them with something to hide. Yeah, sure.
yes, yes, if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about. your innocence must be proven.
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