Let the Fitzgerald Smear Campaign Begin!
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes
All I've seen written about Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor handling this Plame investigation is glowing praise about his fairness and meticulous nature. Need I remind my fellow conservatives that this is the man who could bring down Karl Rove and politically damage the president?The Bible says to let he who is without sin cast the first stone -- well, I guess that means I'll have to be the one to begin this smear campaign against Fitzgerald.
The following picture was sent to me by a source familiar with the investigation, and it shows that Fitzgerald is not quite as impartial as he seems:

Fitzgerald in a bathtub with DNC chairman Howard Dean?!? Talk about a conflict of interest. Absolutely disgraceful!
I laughed so hard, and not at the photoshop.
Whoopsie Mr. Gregory Steele, now you're no longer without sin! Awwwww. :(
Hand check!
phil mahnken: Photoshop? Excuse me? I have received assurances from my source that this image is legitimate and I have no reason to think otherwise.
anonymous: Don't be an idiot, I am simply protecting the man that God put into the White House. There is no sin in that.
the bastard: I don't think I should really speculate as to what these two men are doing. But clearly this image is damaging to Fitzgerald's case.
But smear campaigns are supposed to be unjust and immoral. Aw, now I'm just confused.
It is beyond my comprehension that intelligent people can still support that lying, war criminal president of ours. Are you so tied up in your rhetoric that you believe him and his dastardly works? Chosen by God? Give me a break!
Who let the monnbat troll in here?
Who ever sheds the blood of man, by man his blood shall be shed.
Gen 9:6
I shall pray that God takes your life and lives of your entire family, from one" creating an image that you are a person of faith,
I give you your last rights its up to you to ask for Absolution.
"My God have Mercy on you, and grant you the pardon of all you sins. Whosoever sins you remit on Earth, they are remitted unto them in Heaven. Grant your child entry into thy Kingdom. In the name Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
Such shame you bring on real Americans of faith, posting lies as some kind of conservative american value. You debase yourself and your cause. Take down this low-grade photoshop smear!
anonymous kook(s): Criticizing our sainted President and calling for the death of me and my family. Typical liberal rhetoric.
President Bush is a holy combination of Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill. Any criticism of this great man is just moronic.
As for the death of me and my family. I'm sure God has no plans to kill his second favorite son (or his family) anytime soon.
a real conservative fool: A real conservative would not be afraid of the truth. This is where the intersection of politics and religion get a little messy. If you're not man enough to handle a little mud slinging then perhaps you have no business being a Christian conservative.
MGS, I have been meaning to post to your website for many too-busy weeks now. I know you prayed long and hard over whether to post that image. I prayed when I saw it, because CFAV is the best pro-family website ever!!! But is clear to me that you did so to protect our children from the lies and smear that Mr. Fitzgerald is about to unleash!!! God Bless You!
That picture fills me with a sinful, uncomfortale feeling that Jesus can't seem to make go away.
I can't believe the real Conservatives would be offended by this picture.
After all, there are GAY CEOs and corporate board members. This must be a scheme to appeal to the ignorant, fanatical, evangelical, religious right (oh, I'm being redundant).
...our sainted President...
As for the death of me and my family. I'm sure God has no plans to kill his second favorite son (or his family) anytime soon.
So God loves you more than (almost) everyone else in the world, and only Bush is more loved?
anonymous: I am going to assume you are one person posting here because it would be far too much of a coincidence that more than one person this supremely stupid would have the same name.
Let me clue you in on a few things:
1. There are no gay CEOs -- hair dressers do not run companies.
2. That sinful uncomfortable feeling is being caused by your out of control homosexual impulses. Get a handle on them or get lost.
3. Yes, God is almost as fond of George W. Bush as he is me (his favorite child is of course, Jesus Christ) and if you had bothered to pick up a Bible you would know that.
Do you actually think your faked pictures and slurs are morally aboveboard, decent or sick? I'd be ashamed to be like you.
I can't say I'm the least bit surprised.
Is there no level of debauchery these liberals won't sink to? Fitzgerald is probably a frustrated wannabe Boston Catholic priest. Santorum was so right-the Boston liberal culture corrupts all it touches.
I have received assurances from my source that this image is legitimate and I have no reason to think otherwise.
Apart from the dubious fact that someone would wear glasses in the bathtub, it´s quite amazing that the SHADOWS in the faces do not coincide, but of course surely God could make a REAL photo SEEM false, just as a test of our faith.
Michael: I always knew Fitzgerald was doing the liberals bidding, but this is outrageous. Good job uncovering this travesty of justice. I can't believe that after you provide photographic evidence that the liberal community still denies that there is any impropriety. Apparently they think the picture shows nothing more than two men bathing together rather than the insidious relationship that it is.
I heard they also enjoy a nice evening by the fire together, with some chilled chardonay.
I'm in utter shock! I just can't believe such a fine upstanding prosecutor could actually be one of them homasexials. (Of course we all knew Dean was; he's a Democrat after all.)
That does it. I'm voting Republican from now on.
That poorly wrought phot shopping works beautifully as representational art. :)
The other day I shoved my head up my own butt. I thought to myself "It's dark in here."
the skin tones do not match. oh yeah and u must b crazy of course ther r gay CEO's ur mre stupid thn u look, and i thght tht was impossible! u have contradicted urself majorly as well... i thnk u shuld get a handle on ur sanity. freedom of speech, right?
anonymous, i have a modest proposal for you.
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