Say It Ain't So, Grover!
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

And given how much God hates government, don't you think He would have smiled after hearing these words come from Norquist's lips:
I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.So what did Grover Norquist, a man I used to lovingly refer to as God's accountant, do to betray the conservative cause? He met with a bunch of homos.
I'm clearly not the only Christian conservative leader who's upset over this. In fact, here's what the Family Research Council had to say about this traitorous act:A number of conservatives are seething over the fact that Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), was the featured speaker at a fund-raising event for a group of homosexual Republicans last weekend. One pro-family leader called Norquist's appearance "an act of utter betrayal."
Norquist was the main attraction at the "Grand Ol' Party," the largest fund-raising event of the year for the Dallas, Tex., chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans, a homosexual advocacy group within the GOP.
Grover has spent years working to assemble a coalition of fiscal and social conservatives and his decision to aid those who are trying to destroy the institution of marriage is truly a disappointment and will no doubt split this important coalition.While Grover is very well versed in God's position on privatization and tax reform, he has clearly forgotten one of Jesus' central teachings -- don't fraternize with homosexuals. I would threaten to drown Grover in his own bathtub but I'm just afraid of what I would find if I kicked down his bathroom door. Would he be in the process of being lathered up by a muscled dark-skinned log cabin Republican named Manuel? Please Grover, tell me I wouldn't.
Halo Tip: Fafblog!
I just can’t believe that this fairy infiltrated our ranks. Now that I look at his picture, I’m ashamed that we didn’t pick up on his abominable lifestyle earlier. Go back to San Francisco where you belong Norquist!
Norquist held so much promise, had done the right thing so many times before.
I guess it goes to prove that there is almost no one not susceptible to the liberal Satanic infection that runs through our great country.
kirk: I think it's actually more a matter of the fairies infiltrating our ranks. He was obviously recruited by the homosexuals to advance their own agenda. Disgraceful!
conservative patriot: Exactly, this is why we must be on heightened alert at all times. Trust your instincts on this. The only way to protect yourself from the homosexual influence is to vocally oppose anything that seems even remotely gay.
Another one of our cherished leaders has let us down. Decent people have again been sabotaged and corrupted by the godless Left. Oh God, say it ain't so. Who will be the next traitor?
Tom: I think I can answer that question: Tucker Carlson. If there ever was a “conservative” tree pixie, that guy is it. The guy wears a bow tie! Right in front of us this whole time!
kirk: Tucker Carlson? Yeah, that one is as plain as day.
the bastard: I'm not about to blame the school children who used to taunt him with that chant.
What child could resist "Grover, Grover, would you please bend over?" No, Grover made the choice to embrace this lifestyle and he's no longer a conservative in my eyes.
He's cute. Do he got a brother?
Dear Mr. Gregory Steele, your description of this Manuel personage is very imaginitive. Oh no, who's gay now?
Aw. :(
one of Jesus' central teachings -- don't fraternize with homosexuals
Well, I must have missed that commandment, or my bible is lacking some pages...
You probably tore them out during one of your usual Satan-induced, homoerotic sleep fantasies. After all, if some people can remain asleep while walking the dog, driving to a movie, or fixing a five-course dinner in the middle of the night, why not you?
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