The Criminalization of Christianity
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

Perhaps you've read Bill Kritsol of the Weekly Standard's theory on all of this:
Why are conservative Republicans, who control the executive and legislative branches of government for the first time in living memory, so vulnerable to the phenomenon of criminalization? ... it's a reasonable bet that the fall of 2005 will be remembered as a time when it became clear that a comprehensive strategy of criminalization had been implemented to inflict defeat on conservatives who seek to govern as conservatives.This is not just the criminalization of politics though, it goes much deeper than that. This is about the fundamental differences between how liberals and conservatives view the role of law in our society. To a conservative, laws are meant to protect our citizens and promote our shared Christian values. Liberals on the other hand view laws only as a means to advance their twisted secular agenda.
Liberals are usually far more interested in promoting the rights of criminals than protecting the rights of regular citizens like you or me. Why should it matter if homosexuals perform depraved sexual acts on each other? It's their right, isn't it? What about child molesters or murderers -- we certainly can't impose our idea of what's right and wrong on these people, can we? But Democrats have now found a "crime" that's absolutely unpardonable -- being a Christian.
This is the criminalization of Christianity. Democrats are using existing laws as a means to persecute Christians, plain and simple.
If we allow Tom Delay to be found guilty for criminal conspiracy how long before he will be tried for conspiracy to worship the Lord (attending Church)? If Bill Frist is found guilty of insider trading, how long before he is found guilty of trading good deeds and sacrifice for eternal salvation? If Karl Rove and other White House officials are indicted for leaking Valerie Plame's name, how long before they are charged for publically revealing the name of our savior, Jesus Christ?
We must stop this overt criminalization of Christianity lest we find ourselves on the receiving end of legal action just for daring to believe. No, the only "crime" any of these men committed is loving Christ and we must defend these persecuted men of God at any cost.
M.G.S. - It seems like some sort of inquisition doesn't it? Talk about irony, huh?
M.R. finally makes a good point. This is just like the inquisition against Christians in Europe so many years ago when the Muslims forced their religion on the Europeans. The ironic thing is that now they are trying to force secularism on us… or are they? Maybe this is just the first step to Muslification.
kirk: Yes m.r. certainly does have a point, maybe he's finally coming around.
This is a great point. That being said, I of course realized it before now but merely neglected to mention it. I personally see no real difference between being muslim or atheist; both don't worship Jesus and are therefore a threat to America.
I'm so glad, MGS, that you agree with the next Governor of Alabama, the Ten Commandments Judge Roy Moore. He was asked what he would say to the Buddhist who came into his courtroom and saw him sitting in front of the Ten Commandments. "This country was not founded on the teachings of Buddha. It was founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ." Well, that sure did shut up that ABC News 20/20 reporter, I can tell you! He was speechless!
Tom DeLay knew there would be trials, and there would be persecution, because it so often happens to noble men of pure heart who seek to serve their Lord and their fellow man. But he entered the dirty realm of politics anyway, because he was responding to a higher calling. And that higher calling will give Tom what he needs to get him through this liberal witchhunt. Ronnie Earle is the Earthly form of the Devil-he will not win!
Inquisition AGAINST Christians? That's funny.
An Islamofacist would find Christian persecution funny.
I really feel for Congressman DeLay. I remember when I had to serve prison time for my beliefs. It was horrible at first, then I came to realize that most of the people serving time with me were, in fact, Christian men. These were good people whose only crime was being Christian and practicing their beliefs. I just never thought the criminalization of our one true religion would reach such heights as snare such a Holy man as Tom Delay. This is truly a sad time for our country and I weep as I write this.
conservative patriot: Yes, the fact that Ronnie Earle is Satan incarnate certainly won't work in his favor. Notice though that Tom Delay wore a huge smile in his mug shot photo because he knows that he has God's protection, and that we conservatives have his back.
kirk: I too feel for Delay (in a strictly plutonic heterosexual kind of way). I find it unbelievable that Republicans hold a majority in both houses of Congress and are still victimized. But then again, most Americans are Christians and yet an exemplary Christians like you is targeted for persecution. We just can’t let our guards down for a second.
That's MR. Islamofacist to you, infidel!
Ah, but the fight has only begun. For we here are creating a wonderful place for conservative christians. It's Ohio! We're tirelessly fighting for your right to speak and be heard. The fight has only begun. It is a battle between rightousness and evil. We are as red-blooded as any american here in Ohio, but we need your help. We need donations to our cause and there are conservatives that we may have to replace because they will not support OUR ways. We can change the hearts and minds of the voters.
ohio first: Excellent point. It's important to understand, while the GOP remains "God's Own Party" not all politicians live up to this. If this means making the primary especially difficult for a weak-willed moderate Republican seeking reelection, then so be it. They have to learn that they must appease us to keep their jobs.
Your rhetoric is certainly passable, but it would be edifying if you chose to support your thesis that christianity is being criminalized. Perhaps some examples of christians being prosecuted because of their faith or of some laws that have been passed or proposed that make christian worship a crime.
dan: This entire blog is about edifying my readers. Just because you doubt me, doesn't mean I need to present you with proof of my assertions.
No true Christian would question me on this matter, which leads me to believe you are simply another one of those secular humanists trying to discredit me and my teachings. My readers can easily see right through this.
The other day I wanted a chicken sandwich with no tomatoes. Sure enough, it came with tomatoes, which is odd because I made it myself.
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