Science Is a Sham Week
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

I was originally going to title this post "Biology Is Bogus," and devote it to discrediting evolution and the entire field of biology. But I soon realized that this is simply not enough. No, it's not just biology that's an abomination, but science in general. And it's now clear that I will need more than a day to cut through the convoluted web of lies that godless scientists have weaved.
In fact, I shall devote a week to dispelling the myths and encouraging a return to the original science textbook of choice: The Bible. I do this because it is important that our children understand that the only reliable source of truth is the Good Book. Our children are having science shoved down their throats by godless educators. These teachers are more concerned with claiming another soul for the Democratic Party than the spiritual well being of our children. This must end now!
Science is, and always has been, a tool of atheists that is used to construct a reality that runs counter to the accounts of the Bible.
I mean, don't you find it a little convenient that the so-called "scientific method" would allow godless scientists to perform countless experiments that seem to support the basic idea of evolution? You call this "verifiable data" proof? I call this a heinous conspiracy to turn people away from God.
You see, to a scientist 1 + 1 = 2, but we all know that 1 + 1 = whatever God tells us it is. Maybe it's 2, perhaps 3, but ultimately that's for the Almighty to decide.
It's very clear what needs done here, we need to de-secularize science for the sake of our children. I would love nothing more than to walk into a biology class and see every student in that class with their nose in the Bible. These children could learn about Adam and Eve and that sinister talking snake, not a bunch of nonsense about idiotic finches and lame voiceless turtles. But for now this will have to remain a dream. But it doesn't have to end here. To see how can put God back in the classroom and take the sin out of science, join me for Science is a Sham Week.
keiri_za_mujitsu: Let's look at some of what you have said:
"God doesn't exist"
"Jesus was a deluded hack"
When reading your comment I immediate understood what you were trying to do. You hate righteous people like me and so you're attacking my beliefs to upset me. But then you screw up:
"evolution and shit is bogus too"
Now, I'll try and explain this to you, the post was about how illegitimate evolution is. Therefore, saying that it is bogus doesn't exactly fill me with rage. Moron!
And as for not posting this anonymously (or anonymosly if you will) we are all impressed by your courage. Next time, keep your incredible bravery to yourself.
bkwd_dog: I think your post smacks a little too much of science. I don't remember reading anything about bacteria in the Bible, so I think it's incorrect to attribute anyone's sickness to these phantom creatures.
The real question is whether the people that were afflicted by these "bacteria" angered God is some way. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone with ulcers were gay or at least had homosexual impulses.
First off, I believe the Bible from In the beginning to Amen!
But to discredit all science is some what foolish. One only needs to look in a microscope to see these Bacteris!They are another of almighty Gods creations that have a purpose! One of these is to aid in digestion of food, (out bowels are full of them!)
Michro organisms also assist in breaking down dead trees and animals so that the minerals and other essentials can be absorbed back into the earth! With out these michro organisms this world could not exist!
Gods creation is greater than any of us could dare to immagine.
Mr. Steele, I too was initially upset by what Mr. Mujitsu had to say. But then I attempted to re-read his so-called argument and I have to say, where is the logic? Where is the thoughtfulness? Where is the spelling? Good heavens, if the Queen's English is good enough for Jesus Christ, it is good enough for me, and it should be good enough for everyone, even those not blessed with faith. Thank you for spelling things out and correctly, too. An educated Christian is worth a great deal in this wicked world, I am sure.
concerned in texas: I'm glad you've gained a mastery of the first three words (in the beginning) and the last word (Amen) of the Bible. Perhaps now you can work on trying to understand some of the words that appear in between.
blue gal: God has certainly blessed me with an incredible mind. And when I see liberals like keiri_za_mujitsu trying in vain to make an intelligent argument I just have to laugh. It just goes to show that I'm not only morally superior to all liberals, but also intellectually superior as well.
Angela. Your name suggests that God may be talking to you through CFAV. Wouldn't that be special? Do keep reading and an important notice, legal or otherwise, might be divinely revealed unto you.
Yours in prayer and supplication,
Blue Gal
Whoopsie Mr. Gregory Steele, you made a grammatical error! WEE-OO-WEE-OO-WEE-OO! :D I am the friendly english police and "also intellectually superior as well" is redundant, because "also" and "as well" mean the same thing. Aw, sorry. ):
I don't remember reading anything about bacteria in the Bible, so I think it's incorrect to attribute anyone's sickness to these phantom creatures.
OK, so if it isn't in the Bible it doesn't exist? What about the Internet, the keyboard I'm using, the screen I'm watching, my PC, and so on?
Haha, kudos to Anon for pointing out that delicious, salient grammatical error; it certainly goes into my "Book of Hilariously Ironic English Mistakes for the Ages." But ouch, Mike, that typo must be awfully embarrassing for a person SO "intellectually superior" that he bests ALL liberals, thereby potentially rivaling God Himself.
I believe that to say "a person who is intellectually superior" and "not you" would be redundant also as well.
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