Now Is Not The Time To Blame
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

I also think it's an inappropriate time to question whether Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco should shoulder all or just most of the blame for the delayed response to Hurricane Katrina. People still need to be saved here, so we'll have to wait until her trial to get the answer to that.
Now liberals are predictably crying for the head of President Bush for waiting days to act. You just don't get it, you worthless hippies, do you? Do you understand that every time you criticize the federal response to this tragedy that Bush has to do even more political damage control? He has to visit some aid workers and interrupt their life-saving work to shake some hands. He has to borrow some firefighters to survey the damage and comfort the victims. He doesn't want to do this, but you liberals have forced his hand. Your idiocy is killing hundreds of people, you malodorous malcontents.
Don't worry though, my conservative brethren, there will be a time to blame all the local officials responsible for this mess later. Let's just work on getting the job done and not second guessing who's responsible at the local level. I'm sure there are a couple cells at Gitmo for some incompetent officials to stay in... but now is just not the time for that.
and you really believe what you are writing? Oh my god...
anonymous: Did you have a question or are you just talking to yourself, you kind trailed off there...
Michael, let me be the first to thank you for being above the partisan sniping. There will be plenty of time later to study the many mistakes of Nagin and Blanco and figure out just how far they set back the Herculean efforts of FEMA to overcome the liberal incompetence.
We all know that those god-forsaking Michael Moore loving liberals to blame. We know it was the liberal sissies who built the levies, probably as an attempt to create this type of event.
How dare they even think of blaming our God Loving President?
jollyroger: Exactly. They had to screw up massively on the local level to undo the work of someone as competent and qualified as FEMA's Mike Brown. But, again I will try and stay above the fray and not point out such incompetence until the time is right.
giovanni: While clearly liberals are to blame for this, let's not play the blame game just yet.
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thought and humor: I deleted your incredibly long comment because this is a section for comments. If you would like write something twice as long as my original post I suggest you do it on your own blog.
I don't even understand why New Orleans was using levers anyway. You'd think they'd have enough common sense to build damns or dykes, but what do you expect from a liberal city full of retards that went to pulbic school instead of the qualitee private school I went too.
I drink beer.
Hey, I'd like to blame the victims for exisitng but this isn't the time for that.
As a sidenote, I'd also love to blame the fact that they're not wealthy and white but those recriminations can come later~
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