My Pet Goat II? I Think Not!
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

We now know the reason that Bush didn't throw My Pet Goat to the floor and rush out the door, knocking down several children in the process. He did not want to scare the children. This is part of being a leader; you need to ensure everyone else remains calm during a crisis.
Well, those same liberals idiots are at it again. The picture shown above is one of Bush playing a guitar given to him by country star Mark Wills. He strummed this guitar while countless people were dying from the effects of Hurricane Katrina. Liberals cynically see this image as undeniable evidence of President Bush's inept leadership and callous indifference. These liberals say that it's like Nero playing his fiddle while Rome was burning-- They also call this picture "My Pet Goat part II." I think not!
This is what leadership looks like, people. And if there's one thing I know about Mark Wills, it's that he's easily frightened. How do you think Wills would have reacted if Bush suddenly dropped his guitar and rushed to assemble the Nation Guard or to ensure that FEMA was making proper progress in their relief planning? Mark Wills would have no doubt soiled himself on the spot. What would we as a nation have done if he had rushed off that stage? We would have all panicked, that's what.
I wasn't scared or worried at all, so President Bush clearly did his job. He ensured that the nation remained calm. This is what true leadership looks like.
You really are a moron. I can see him not "racing" to get out of the room during 9/11 for the kids sake. But to say him playing the guitar as the victim of Katrina suffered is okay--that's bull and you right-wing, republican idiots need to wake-up and smell the burning timber in W's head!
edgar k. aldren: While I appreciate your comment and the incredible hatred of Michael Moore expressed in it; it went a little too far and I had to delete it.
You must learn to tone down your language, otherwise you end up sounding like Fred Phelps and then nobody will take you seriously.
anonymous: The burning timber in W's head, huh? How overwhelmingly clever.
Listen, liberal idiot, this is not an opinion piece, this post is fact. George W. Bush showed the kind of leadership you Democrats could only dream of understanding.
edgar k aldren: I certainly understand how you can get wrapped up in your justified hatred of liberals, so I can forgive you this time.
I’ve read your site and I’ve decided that the problem with this society is that we don’t have enough Jim Joneses or David Koreshes. You’ll be happy to know that this is the liberals fault for interfering with natural selection instead of allowing the herd to cull itself.
NO! I love him!
As soon as I turn 18 we are going to be wed.
Back off, BushCheney08! Michael Moore is mine!
I won't let you take away the love of my life
children, children, please!
Now listen, nobody is culling or marrying Michael Moore unless I say so. I think we're getting a bit off topic here anyway.
You're all supposed to be discussing how excellent a leader President Bush is and how ridiculous the liberals are to criticize him... continue.
It's easy to sit back in retrospect and place all the blame of this natural disaster on Bush. One of the biggest complaints is that he isn't doing enough in the relief effort. As you pointed out, he is sitting around playing the guitar as thousands are without water. There isn't much that he can do outside of signing a bill financing the relief effort. Do you want him to personally deliver the aid himself?
I also noticed that your sacrasm pointed blame at Bush cutting FEMA. Interesting that this concern of yours is now being voiced AFTER the hurricane. Where was your concern when he originally cut the finances? If Bush could have foresaw this unforseeable natural disaster then he would be to blame.
The problem with you is that you don't want a president, you want a prophet. When budgeting our Nations Income, you play a game of probabilities when deciding which areas need financing and which ones need cut. Comparing the number of terrorist attacks vs. the number of large natural disasters in the past hundred years. If you do, you'll find that the last natural disaster of that magnitude happened over a hundred years ago in Texas.
You can't blame our President for playing the odds and losing. As for his response afterwards, I think you're mistaked if you think that the National Guard is directly deployed by the President. Let the other branches of government take some of the responsibility.
lenhoery: Great point! I've heard liberal idiots make this argument about FEMA's funding being cut. And you're right, these liberals knew all about this when it happened and didn't bat an eye.
What I was really referring to though is the ridiculous notion that Bush is somehow responsible for the actions of FEMA (who are doing a superb job anyway).
Secondly, while it is usually the role of governors to deploy National Guard troops, The President can call upon these troops to assist in a disaster. I mention this not to weaken your excellent argument, but to point out my own intellectual superiority.
If Bush isnt responsible for FEMAs success, why shouild he be held accountable for the relief efforts failures. The thing I admire about Bush is that he isnt Clinton-esque...he admits failures at the top, or he doesnt admit them at all. Clinton blamed the Waco disaster on Janet Reno, but then when Reno ordered the seizure of Elian Gonzales, Bill Clinton took all the creidt for that (when in actuality, he had nothing to do with it)
Liberals wait until now to complain about the cutting of FEMA funds claiming that they were ignorant of the changes. The cut was briefly publicized but didn't receive attention until after the hurricane. Had Katrina never existed there wouldn't be a debate about the funding at all. The probability of a disaster of this magnitude, as lenhoery pointed out, was beyond minimal. Therefore, it makes perfect sense put the money into something which immediate danger is more foreseeable. It was a natural disaster and it was horrible. Let's not blame Bush for being unprepared for something unforseeable.
On a side note, Bush is willing to swallow his pride and be bi-partisan by getting Clinton to team with his dad to provide aid relief. Bush is making a strife towards relief in anyway he can. He has signed a bill commisioning relief funds, and America has responded well in their donations.
chris: Clearly you are an idiot. You bring up Clinton for no apparent reason and the crux of your argument is: "if he's not praised for FEMA's success then why should he be held accountable for their failures." A 12 year old could tear this entire argument apart in short order.
Apparently you don't understand the seriousness of this situation. The fallout from this could really hurt the President. You really need to leave the talking to professionals like me. Making arguments like this won't help the cause.
Any further moronic comments like this will be deleted from this blog.
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Michael, but we can all agree on one thing right? It's the liberals' fault that FEMA's budget got cut. Bush can't be made the scapegoat just because they didn't speak up when he cut FEMA's budget.
The liberals just sit in the government and stay silent, never speaking up before a problem occurs. I mean if people were "dying" after the storm, why didn't they speak up? They waited for everyone to be evacuated, then started tearing apart our great and wise President.
I bet you they are going to start clamoring on about how Robert's isn't qualified for the position of Chief Justice. Why don't they just shut up? Now's not the time to divide this country with that issue, there will be plenty of time later to discuss it.
Our beloved President does what he can to calm an anxious nation by playing some soothing music on the guitar, and the liberal herd of scumbags excoriate him. Perhaps he doesn't play Satanically enough for them?
You're absolutely right. We need our leaders to remain cool and collected during a crisis, and that's what Dubya has done. The calm radiating from his Crawford ranch all summer long should be an inspiration to us all.
Damn, people like you guys are the reason the world hates the USA.. Shortsighted, determined to be right with your unargumented idiocracy... I hope you're god helps us get rid of this ignorance!
kirk: You're right, it's ridiculous. The President is trying to save lives here. I still can't believe the audacity of these liberals to criticize every thing our President does. Unbelievable.
edgar k. aldren: Don't bother asking for prayers from people that God doesn't necessarily listen to. I will personally talk to Him about your language problem.
conservative patriot: So true. Perhaps if Bush was playing a Phish song with that guitar maybe he could have appeased those mindless hippies. I'm glad he chose not to sink to their level though.
tom harper: I personally don't want a leader who's not well rested. How much good would a stressed out leader be for this crisis? President Bush was right not to rush into this thing.
Micheal, are you catholic? because god listens to everyone, even edgar. You arent the pope.
I never wanted to marry micheal moore, I cant stand him - that was the stupid retard who thinks its just a hoot to steal everyones Identity.
But your reaction to this was disturbing:
"Now listen, nobody is culling or marrying Michael Moore unless I say so."
I know your fiercly opposed to gay marraige, so why did you say this? I am truly worried.
To Readers: you can tell which comments are mine by thier sanity.
Not THAT'S comedy godammit!!!
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