Rick Santorum, Fighting Against Liberalism
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

If there's one person who understands the threat that liberalism poses, it's Rick Santorum. I've previously written about his understanding of the dark influence of liberalism, but I think his sage words on the Catholic Church molestation scandal bear repeating:
"When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm."Liberalism weakens this country, liberalism breaks up families, and liberalism causes priests to molest alter boys. In order to fight liberalism you have to understand all of this. There is no greater warrior for social conservatism than Rick Santorum. But you've heard me say all of this before, so allow me to expand upon this idea and draw a little from Santorum's seminal book, It Takes a Family.
From reading his book, you get a little more insight into what turned a naive Pennsylvanian into the warrior against liberalism we all know and love:
"It wasn't until recently that I discovered that one of my fundamental beliefs about American politics was wrong. You see, I always believed -- and publicly stated -- that conservatives and liberals had the same vision of America... I don't believe that anymore... The liberal vision of America-the-beautiful is different from mine and, more importantly, different from that of most Americans." (It Takes a Family, p. 13)No kidding, Rick. I mean, I understand genius does not happen overnight, but thinking that liberals want what is best for this country is beyond stupid. It's clear that Santorum has come a long way in his understanding of the enemy. I shudder to think what he would have been like had the Lord not shown Rick the error of his ways. Think of it, Rick Santorum with a respect for the opposing side, a man who would potentially compromise with these liberal fiends who want to tear apart the very fabric of our society. Thank goodness, Rick now understands the true nature of the dark influence of liberal thought.
In his book he further defines what the dark liberal influence is, and categorizes the corrupting liberal institutions as Bigs:
"Who are these big, powerful forces upon which so many rely to shape our economy, culture, society, values, and learning? They are what I call the "Bigs" -- big news media, big entertainment, big universities and public schools, some big businesses, and some big national labor unions, and of course the biggest Big of all, the federal government."(It Takes a Family, p. 6)These Bigs are run by sinister liberals that Santorum classifies as village elders. But aside from tying to ensure that nobody is allowed to worship Jesus, these elders also try and actively destroy the "lesser" institutions that would get in the way of their idea of "equality and liberty," as Santorum explains:
"And what are these problem-creating associations that liberals believe harm people? They are the 'Littles': local government, civic and fraternal associations, clubs, small businesses, neighborhoods, local school districts, church and church ministries -- and of course... the iconoclastic traditional family. Liberal ideology promises a utopia of freedom and equality, if only the Littles can be engineered out of existence." (It Takes a Family, p. 7)Santorum clearly knows the score (even if he doesn't know what iconoclastic means). Liberals want to eliminate everything good about this country and especially the traditional family. If only the churches, small businesses and the rest of the Littles can be eliminated, liberals could be free to persecute Christians, corrupt our children, and participate in their homosexual orgies. Not on Rick Santorum's watch!
Rick Santorum is not only on the front lines fighting liberalism, but he articulates the liberal threat in a way nobody before him could. Without Santorum, you wouldn't have the sophisticated language to explain what liberalism is really about: The village elders of the Bigs are trying to destroy the Littles. Brilliant!
Now, allow me to leave you with some parting words of wisdom from Santorum's book: "Liberalism is an ideology; Conservatism is common sense." Indeed it is, Rick, indeed it is.
Is that picture of Rick Santorum with the body of the Gladiator?
anonymous: Why, yes it is. I figured it would be an appropriate to craft, since he is a fearless warrior fighting again the evil forces of liberalism. That and I always wondered what he would look like it a get up like that. The official verdict: pretty good.
Phantom: Don't be so fatalistic. Liberalism will never be able to get a firm grip on this righteous American society as long as we have Santorum covering all the Bigs and helping ease the thrust of the Littles in taking back our great country.
For too long, ignorant people in this country have thought that the Bigs were best, but they have learned the hard way that the Bigs end up leaving a gaping hole in our society that causes our country a great deal of pain.
These people shouldn't underestimate the power of the Littles in satisfying the needs of this great nation.
M.G.S. - Your hero Santorum is obviously delusional. So liberalism is the corrupt institution huh? I doubt Enron was run by bleeding hearts and tree huggers, it absolutely wreaked of conservative right wing corporate "Bigs" to me.
By the way Mikey, you continue to live in such denial. You persistently refer to others as deviants yet you openly reveal your peculiar (dare I say queer?) little gladiator fetish. Admit it, homosexual orgies are right up your alley (pun intended).
m.r.: Ha! That's hilarious. You think that I'm a homosexual with a gladiator fetish. Too funny! Wait until I tell my wife about this.
Oh wait, I'm completely heterosexual. Sorry to get your hopes up there.
Since you're so dense allow me to explain the joke I just made. The implication here is that you are in fact the one who is a homosexual and you would be disappointed to hear that I am not one as well (because of your unnatural homosexual attraction to me). Also, you're an especially unfunny homosexual.
Mikey - The joke is that you're heterosexual. Your infantile attempt at diverting the focus off yourself by accusing me of being gay is very republican of you. You do your insidious right-wing cabal proud. By the way, send my regards to your adoring wife Herman.
"America's Senator" is fighting the good fight against the Socialist tyranny advocated by Michael Moore, Hillary Clinton, Warren Buffett, and others of their despicable America-hating ilk. Santorum needs our support, and I am more than happy to align myself with him and cheer on his fight. As I am sure God cheers him on.
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