The Dark Liberal Influence
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

What could Rick have done to owe an entire city an apology? He simply spoke the truth about the dark liberal influence.
In an article he wrote 3 years ago about the Catholic Church's priest molestation scandal, Rick lays the blame firmly where it belongs: the corrupting influence of liberal ideals.
When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.Do you see anything wrong with this statement? I certainly don't. We all understand how serious of a threat liberalism poses to this country. I mean do I have to draw a diagram for these liberal idiots? It's really quite simple; Conservative: man of God, Liberal: probable pedophile.
I seem to remember something else about a pair of cities that succumbed to the dark influence of liberal hedonism like Boston. Maybe you've heard of them: Sodom and Gomorrah. There wasn't a person in either of these cities that God deemed worthy of living and he destroyed them all. I'm not saying that Boston is quite to the level of damnation these cities were, but if Boston continues to vote Democrat it's only a matter of time.
I'm not going to beat around the bush here, liberalism is responsible for anything that can be construed as evil. Liberalism is responsible for those priests molesting alter boys. Liberalism is responsible for terrorism. Liberalism is responsible for those undesired homosexual fantasies you might experience during normal sexual congress with your wife. Liberalism seeks to destroy everything good.
The way I see it, you have two choices: follow me in this righteous fight against liberalism or become a liberal yourself. Either isolate yourself and your family from the dangerous ideas of liberalism or succumb to them. Personally, I'd choose death before I would ever choose the later.
Liberalism is responsible for child molestation and terrorism? Just when I think you couldn't be anymore of a balloon head you up and throw me a curveball.
"Undesired" homosexual fantasies with the wife, eh? Uh,huh.
Liberalism is a virus, and the American body is ill. FOX News, Jerry Falwell, and good righteous sites like this one are producing the badly needed antibodies that will eventually cure this sickess. What we have to guard against are new strains of the virus-though we know the Kennedy mutation, one must always wonder: are the inoculations we are receiving sufficient for new mutations? Look at what happened to Montana with the Schweitzer strain.
m.r.: balloon head, eh? Good one.
anonymous: Well put! The only cure is a good old fashioned shot of scripture.
I can tell you've posted on the blog before anonymously.You are among friends here, and there is no need to hide your identity. I would just prefer not to have to call any of my followers "anonymous."
M.G.S - Thanks, I got a million of them.
ANONYMOUS - "Kennedy mutation", Good God. You're rapidly losing your grip on reality. I'm beginning to understand why you remain anonymous, it makes it harder for the guys with the butterfly nets to catch you.
Yes, liberalism is indeed a virus. But there is only one way for us to innoculate ourselves against this evil: We must all attend church every day. Every Sunday is not often enough; that's how Satanism and liberalism (same difference) got its foot in the door. We must all attend church every day and pray for deliverance from this evil virus.
tom harper: sage advice. Church attendance is also a good way to spot more covert liberalism.
Those people that attend church on Easter and Christmas only should be avoided at all costs. These are the most dangerous kind of liberals: those that pretend to be Christian.
Liberalism is responsible for Catholic priest pedophilia? Whatever happened to the conservative principle known as PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? "It wasn't my fault I touched those little boys, it was those mean liberals!" This from the same camp that would never accept "Society made me do it!" as a defense to executing a convicted murderer.
anonymous: I of course think any criminal should be simultaneously electricuted and given a lethal injection. I am not soft on crime.
I'm simply talking about getting to the root of these problems: evil. The combination of eliminating liberalism and extremely harsh punishment are the only ways to lessen the occurance of these crimes.
This is seriously the funniest blog since Thanks for the great laugh guys!
whatever happened to the ten commandments? the first one? thou shalt not kill. pretty simple.
yes he did, and what he said was that if a man steals your wallet, give him your shirt as well.
How does liberalism relate to sexual molestation of "alter boys". It's the exact opposite. Your point is weak.
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