Is John Roberts The Right Man?
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

I simply don't have enough information on this man to know if he's really a wise choice. I hate to agree with the Democrats on this one, but the country needs to know more about this man. Of course the Democrats want more information on Roberts so they can obstruct his nomination; politics as usual. I, on the other hand, just want to know what any decent American would want to know: Is this the right man to turn the Supreme Court into an instrument of God?
The more I read about him, the more I doubt this is the case. I have read that he was a member of the conservative legal group The Federalist Society. This is the same group that boasts Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia as members. The problem is that Roberts seems so oblivious to this righteous group that he has "no recollection" of being a member. He was a member of the steering committee, yet he seems so indifferent to this group and its idea of strict Constitutionalism that he just can’t remember even being there.
If he can forget being a member of such an important organization, what else could slip his mind if he were made a Supreme Court justice?
I wonder; will he conveniently forget what we're really sending him there to do? Will he be about ready to rule on an abortion case and just freeze in his tracks? "How was I supposed to rule on this?" he'll ask himself. He'll stand there paralyzed and unable to remember if he believes in an implicit "right to privacy" in the Constitution or not. Then he'll crane his neck to see what Ruth Bader Ginsburg is writing. In that very moment everything we've worked for would be lost.
Will he forget that he’s put at that post to proudly hold up the banners of Christianity and Conservativism? Will his amnesia kick in when an opportunity to correct such socials ills as homosexuality, women receiving birth control, or affirmative action presents itself? We need someone with the single minded determination to sanctify this country of ours. I just don’t know if John Roberts is the right man yet.
Maybe I'm overreacting, but this is too serious of an appointment not to overreact to. I want, no, I demand a Supreme Court justice that won’t legislate from the bench. I need to hear from this man’s lips that he will do everything within and outside of his power to weaken abortion. I need to hear that he will work to make God’s law and man’s law synonymous. Finally, we need to make sure that we have a nominee that will once again make us one nation under God, instead of just one nation under gods.
Oh dear not up to your usual standards of splitting satire.
M.G.C - Has it ever occured to your conservative cabal to just build a rightwing android programmed to perform strictly according to republican doctrine, inserting said android into the highest levels of American politics and covertly controlling its every move? Oh yeah I forgot, you already have the DUBYA2000 running the country, nice job.
This is a great post and very true. I think we need to know if he is a man of god or not, to know what his intentions are.
jane: If I was in the business of trying to impress liberals, I would certainly care about your opinion on this post. Fortunately I'm not and I don't.
m.r.: I should have known better than to even mention George W. Bush's name with all the left-wing wackos trolling around this blog.
You just couldn't help yourself, could you? Pathetic
bushcheney08: Yes, that certainly goes without saying.
This is an article I wrote for my blog on the night of J.R picking. Hope it helps!
Kennedy is apparently afraid that John Roberts is pro-life:
"During the nomination hearing for Judge Roberts' position on the Court of Appeals, Senator Edward Kennedy said:
I am concerned about Mr. Roberts’ efforts to limit reproductive rights as a Government lawyer, his advocacy against affirmative action, and Federal Environmental Protection Laws in his efforts to shield states from individual suits, and to limit Congress’s ability to pass legislation regulating state conduct in the name of the states’ rights."
I am scared Mr. Steele, not only are you agreeing with liberals on something (may those god-forsaken sinners rot in the pits of hell for all eternity) but this man our righteous president has nominated might not overturn Roe vs. Wade. To make matters worse he denies being a member of the Federalist society... This should not be allowed to happen, we should have a man of God with clear moral character on our courts. Mr. Steele, YOU should have been nominated instead.
tash: Well, that should be one of the first tests of any nominee. If Ted Kennedy likes them, than they are certainly not a man of God.
giovanni: I agree, I would have made an ideal choice for a Supreme Court justice. I have read the Constitution and have a very deep understanding of the Bible, making me more than qualified.
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