Leave Karl Rove Alone!
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

You all seem to forget yourself. Karl Rove is a man who is beyond reproach.
Well, my faithful readers, I guess it's time I let you in on the details this ugly story. If you've followed my advice and limited your news to Righteous Media sources like Fox News, you probably haven't heard much about this story until it became impossible to ignore earlier this week. The screaming of the radical left has become so loud that I have to respond to this outright smear campaign of a great public servant.
The short of it is that Karl Rove may have revealed the identity of an undercover CIA agent named Valerie Plame. Liberals claims that he did this as a bit of political retaliation for her husband, former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson's criticisms of our sainted President. But my question is, why exactly is this a problem?
So what if Rove blew the cover of a covert CIA agent? Karl is a decent man of outstanding character, he would never jeopardize Plame's life without a good reason. Don't you think we can give Karl the benefit of the doubt without getting into all the legal minutiae?
All I hear are ridiculous questions from the left and the mainstream media. Was this an act of treason? Can Karl be trusted with sensitive information? Did Karl put politics before the War on Terror? WHO CARES!?!?
Whenever somebody is embroiled in a political scandal like this, I first look at their political ideology to see if I should be morally outraged or not. Karl Rove: Christian Conservative. Check. Next I ask myself if any sort of sexual impropriety was involved. Karl Rove: physiologically incapable of engaging in sexual intercourse. Check. Finally I look at the heart and soul of the man. Karl Rove: a man of unquestionable character. Check.
Karl Rove has my full support and confidence.
I don't think I can be any more clear about this. I want everyone to stop this pointless witch-hunt and just leave Karl Rove alone. The man serves the interests of this country in everything he does. You can be sure, if he leaked the name of Wilson's wife, he did it for a good reason. I can't even imagine what sort of heinous thing Plame did to deserve this but if Karl chose to punish her, I'm sure it was holy retribution.
This is the best blog in the history of blogs. It will go down in the record books as one of the best blogs of all time. I read this blog every day. If I don't, I get sad. So I have to read every day. It's almost become a compulsion. That's not a bad thing, is it???
russtopher: You are constantly surrounded by the corrupting liberal influence. You are drawn to this blog because your soul craves the righteousness and moral strength it brings to you.
So, no it's not a bad thing at all.
Golly, I love this site.
brad and graham: I agree this is a really great blog. But I can't take all the credit. They're my words, but God's ideas.
The man is not in question as with he did is, clearly if one could act as callous with someones identity and put you or your loved ones at harms way does not deserve a reprieve. It is tantamount to pointing a gun to someones head short of pulling the trigger. Clearly principle is wrong for Karl Rove. Surely a man of god would value life above all else, not play with it for the sake of a few political style hatfield-mccoy vendetta.
lol another hilarious posting, I've just put a link to you in my blog so more of us pinkos can enjoy!
Hey Mikey, so what's this unhealthy fixation you have with Karl Rove? You sing the praises of this treasonous yahoo as if he were the second coming of Nixon. When's the wedding? Did you REALLY return those gerbils or are you saving them for your big day? "Mrs. Michael Gregory Rove", that actually has a nice ring to it.
This is another tar and feather job on a righteous man. The nattering nabobs of negativity weren't satisfied with their hatchet job on our President's choice to (finally!) straighten out the UN-no, they had a taste of blood, and of course they are depraved, so they require blood in ever-greater quantities.
All of them (and their two faced lackeys, like that charlatan Voinovich) better wake up and get right with our beloved PResident and his faithful servant, or be condemned to both eternal damnation and obscurity as those who were on the wrong side of history.
anonymous #1: I've read your comment twice and I all I got from this comment is that you're an idiot.
jane: I hope they can rethink their pinko ideals so I won't have to hate them with all of my Christian heart.
m.r.: What's so unhealthy with respecting a fellow man of God for his incredible character. I have no desire to marry him as I am not a homosexual deviant. I simply hope to become more like him.
anonymous #2: Well put, friend. I don't understand why these liberal fools choose to damn themselves to ridicule on earth by me and eternal damnation in the afterlife.
But I don't claim to understand evil completely, I just fight it valiantly.
I am not going to worry about Karl Rove under fire. Everything is going to calm down. BTW Why should I believe ted kennedy would take action against Karl Rove? Both parties are the same to me. The news media/ corporations all sleep in the same bed together. I won't take this little site seriously. BTW nice pic sexy...
Of course leave Karl Rove alone! How dare anyone challenge the most corrupt Presidency ever!?! I love it though--Bush's ineptitude will guarantee that we won't have any Republican jackass leading our nation after W leaves office.
WHAT EXACTLY ARE 'AMERICAN VALUES'? And are there any DEMOCRATS/Liberals that are pro-American values???
"I have a message to all you reporters, bloggers and godless unbelievers who are trying to bring down Karl Rove: Cut it out!
You all seem to forget yourself. Karl Rove is a man who is beyond reproach."
Karl Rove is an asshole.
p.s. - Praise Jesus!
To any liberals that decide to read this blog, well you already know that you are superior by seeing first hand how delusional and corrupt the republicans are. Its almost comical, in fact it is. Karl Rove is an asshole. Read the Wall Street Journal
or something else besides the bible. Try and imagine how society would function under your morals and ethics. Do you really think Jesus hates the woman that decides to be pro choice or the gay that lives a happy life with someone else. Come on.. Who are you to judge other people. Liberals stood up to fight for this country when it was first founded. Most of the republican party wanted to remain a colony. I wonder what the average income for every conservative is that posted something on this blog because if its under about 250,000 after taxes, sadly you are missing out on all the things you decided to waste your vote on. Politics is all about money. Religion is only used by the republicans to capture the vote of all the bible thumping red states. Shame because half of those churches and bibles where probably paid for by the subsides o the "evil" liberal states anyway. Imagine New York and California cutting of all its funds to those states..Wonder what your views on universal health care is...To make that kind of conclusion you would have to be able to think on your own though.. good luck with that
Leave Karl Rove alone!
And how f*ing dare any of you criticize Karl Rove after all he's been through.
The Democrats regained control of Congress, some interns saran-wrapped his car, and none of the Republican Presidential candidates want anything to do with him.
All you people care about is your stupid personal liberties and transparent government by, for and of the people... HE'S I HUMAN BEING.... I think...
What you don't realize is he's trying to protect you from terrorists lurking in every corner trash can with anthrax-laced ninja death stars, and all you people do is write a bunch of crap about him.
LEAVE HIM ALONE! You're lucky he even told the President how to run the country for you and kept you safe by fundamentally changing the nature of the executive branch in ways that will be difficult to undo in future administrations regardless of the party of the office holder... you BASTARDS!
Leave Karl alone please.... Leave Karl Rove alone right NOW! I mean it!
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