O'Conner Makes the Wisest Decision of Her Life
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

She may have been a "conservative", but she was also an unholy obstacle in a lot of important cases, included the only case I really care about: Roe v. Wade. I'm not even sure whose bright idea it was to allow women to serve on that bench in the first place.
When George W. Bush spoke today about O'Conner's resignation he said the following:
"The nation also deserves a dignified process of confirmation in the United States Senate - characterized by fair treatment, a fair hearing and a fair vote."
This is obviously a stern warning to Democrats not to fillibuster his nominee. So you know that this means our glorious President is planning to nominate someone extremely conservative (and I mean Michael Gregory Steele conservative). Just thinking about all the decisions that could be handed down by a more conservative Supreme Court fills me with unimaginable delight.
With the talk of judges John Paul Stevens and William Rehnquist possibly stepping down at some point, President Bush might get the opportunity to fill a total of three Supreme Court seats. We may finally be given the chance to remake the Supreme Court into a tribunal of Godly righteousness, a court that can finally remove that idiotic legal distinction between God's law and man's law.
At long last are my dreams finally being realized?
There are a lot of people who don't want to see abortion become illegal in this country. There are also a lot of people who want to see a firm separation between Church and State maintained. There are even people who don't want to see the Supreme Court overrun by hardline conservatives. Fortunately, these are not the people who helped to put President Bush into the White House, so their opinions matter very little.
My advice to any liberals who may be reading this is to simply give in to the inevitability of a very conservative Supreme Court. President Bush is going to appoint judges that will show you the true meaning of "judicial activism" and Republicans will maintain their Senate majority (even after the 2006 elections) ensuring their swift confirmation. There is nothing you can do to stop this.
Lastly, I would also advice you godless liberals to start being a little more civil to me in your comments. You certainly wouldn't want to offend a future Supreme Court justice.
Hey, you guys sure know the meaning of civilized debate.
Or are ad hominem attacks all your arguments can handle?
I pray to Our Lord Almighty that the Blessed George H. W. Bush nominates the Holy Michael Gregory Steele as the next Supreme Court Justice. Otherwise I will take it as a sign of the End Times! We need a hardened heart and iron fist like yours to set this Godless country back upon the path towards righteousness. Halelujah!
This is great news for decent people everywhere. Our 40-year experiment with godless hedonism has not worked. Thank God He will soon be coming back to the public square. Rejoice!
andrew l: Why do you liberals always think this is a debate. I have answers I provide them to my readers. My readers accept these truths and live by them.
okdemocrat: Preceding a coment with Spanish (or whatever that is) is not a good way to get my attention. You must speak always in God's official language on this blog: English.
zandperl: Yes I have officially placed myself on President Bush's short list.
I have a very limited understanding of the law, but as a Supreme Court justice I would rule not based on godless legal precedent but on the Bible alone.
tom harper: Exactly. We could be one step closer to a country governed only by God's law. What a truly great day for America.
Michael Gregory Steele,
Your comments, such as:
"Preceding a coment [sic] with Spanish (or whatever that is)"
"God's official language"
"I'm not even sure whose bright idea it was to allow women to serve on that bench in the first place."
only illustrate that you wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the head.
I recommend you stop blogging and get back to the Word. You're giving a bad testament to Christ and are making Christians look like self-righteous idiots.
"Being right does not make you righteous." - Art Lindsley, C.S. Lewis Institute
- Anonymous Christian
anonymous: In response to that quotation you included at the end up your comment, I say that it is my righteousness that makes me right.
amie: My rosaries are far too expensive to be involved in any sort of depraved sex act anyway.
you are bastards- this womyn left to care for her husband with alzheimers- way to do a christian dance on a grave
As a New York Jewish woman, I will do everything in my power to defeat you and your ilk.
As long as there is still a Constitution and Bill of Rights in this country, I can say whatever I want to say.
I will never worship your bible nor will I ever shut up.
My family came here over a hundred years ago looking for a place not to practice their religion, and they foud it, and in their memory, and in Ray Charles's (who I am listening to sing America the Beautiful as I write this)
And for oppressed people--which is everyone not like you in this incredible country, I will fight you to the last breath
We will not be silenced!
anonymous: Yeah, so?
okdemocrat: Knowing latin is only useful if I were to be either working at the Vatican or studying law. I will need to do neither in my new post as a Supreme Court justice.
pia: I stated very clearly in my post that you will lose this battle, why waste the energy fighting it?
Maybe you can instead spend your time rethinking that whole being jewish thing.
"god": Aside from the blasphemy, well put.
okdemocrat: Vestis virum reddit. Stultus asinus in angelo est. Elephantus non capit murem.
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