Joseph's Bedtime Story
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

Being the incredible father I am, I often read my 8 year old son Joseph to sleep. I'll usually read half a chapter or so of an Ann Coulter or Bill O'Reilly book to help soothe him to sleep. If he prematurely drifts into a slumber, I'll nudge him with a firm elbow so I can continue to preach the gospel of conservatism to him.
Early last week I started reading a book to him that's near and dear to my heart: Sean Hannity's masterpiece "Deliver Us From Evil." This is a book that insightfully traces the root of all the world's problems to the abstract concept of evil. This is a book I've already had to replace because I've read it so many times. Even my newest copy is already beginning to show some serious signs of wear.
As I was reading a chapter of this book to Joseph and lulling him to sleep with Sean's sweet song of patriotism little Joseph opened his eyes and spoke. "I heard that they never found those WMDs in Iraq and that President Bush may have lied about them being there," he naively said.
I choked on my next sentence and quickly exited Joseph's bedroom almost tripping over myself as I left. I grabbed the bathroom sink to try and steady myself. I splashed some cold water onto my face in a vain attempt to stop my body from trembling.
What is going on with this family? First Michael Jr. befriends an atheist and now my other son is spewing vile liberal propaganda. Once the color returned to my face I calmly walked back into Joseph's bedroom.
"Who put this idiotic idea into your head, Joseph?"
He told me had accidentally turned to a news station that wasn't Fox News. It was an honest mistake he says, but one that I won't allow to happen again. His TV has since been removed from his room and it will no longer pose a threat to his young impressionable mind.
For this first time in my life I had failed to protect my own son from the insidious liberal mainstream media. As I tucked young Joseph into his bed I vowed never to allow his ears to be met with such a poisonous pronouncement. I let my guard down for a second, but never again, Joseph. Never again.
Does he have a radio in his bedroom as well? If I remember correctly from when I lived in the US some of radio stations played rock music and the like.
I've linked to your site it's a hoot.
DAMN THOSE LIBERALS! Putting terrible thoughts in your poor innocent child's head!
We should all be shot!
jane: I broke the FM dial on his radio so he can only get AM stations.
moxiegrrl: Shooting liberals seems a bit drastic, let me see if just isolating my family from them works.
cjb: Dr. Suess was not the man's real name and I don't trust anyone who uses a pseudonym.
Anyway I'd rather Joseph learn some real lessons instead of hearing stupid stories about imaginary creatures.
Funny stuff! Love the story!
I think your son will not be able to be protected for much longer! My kids tell me I'm addicted to Fox News. I guess I'm spoiled.
I enjoy debate/discussion on these sites:
I'm usually one of only a few conservative voices amongst a sea of liberals on this site:
I hope you'll join in sometime and put in your two cents.
Have a great July 4th holiday!
LOL. I'm definitely "Loving the Lord" over this one.
I can't belive there are still people like you in the world. Fair enough discuss your own views with your child and teach him your morals but if you continue to manipulate his views and control him he may grow to hate you when he is older, I thought America was the land of freedom?
The more I read, the funnier you get! Great site.
jamie dawn: Are you implying that too much Fox News is a bad thing? I say that there's no such thing as being too enlightened.
jet: thank you, I do my best. LOL (Loving Our Lord).
Sins of the fathers...
I can't believe you let him have a TV in there in the first place. What kind of a father are you?
Disgusted: Thank you for showing my readers the kind of liberal extremism I've warned all my readers about.
Obviously you understand as little about freedom as you do about parenting.
Freedom is giving everyone the opportunity to believe and worship in the one correct way.
Hannah: you must have a very twisted sense of humor.
"God": I see right through you. The real God would know that I am already quite familiar with that passage of the Bible (as I am all of them).
WarpedTourMom: You question my parenting skills? I serve as an inspiration to all parents. If I am a bad a parent then what hope is there for anyone else.
No, I was too hard on myself in this post. I blame liberals for this not myself.
Wow... thank you Mr."Steele". This is the best parody blog I've ever seen. I mean, some of the individuals down here in Texas are nearly insane with their hate-filled "righteous" conservatism.... but You! You've managed to really bring out the sheer embarrassing nature of American Conservatism with your wonderful satire. Bravo sir... Bravo.
Man you give me such inspiration!!! Or persperation, I'm not sure which word to use. Keep this up and you will run Pat Robertson and the rest out of business!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are on a speaking tour let us know I would love to have my bible graced with your signature because lord knows you speak the god damn truth about god and Fox!!!
rev. justin: I'm disheartened that a man of the cloth such as yourself can't simply accept my teachings.
the bastard: Thank you for your kind words. I will continue to speak the truth about conservatism despite the liberal opposition.
I found my four year old watching Burt and Ernie the other day.. the little bastard. As us true Christian Americans know.. it is simply a ruse for homosexual propaganda. I determined the proper punishment by turning to the Holy Word .. which suggests a good old fashioned stoning followed by an exorcism. He now has the mental capacity of a labotomy patient.. but its much easier to brain wash him! He no longer flinches when I quote Rush Limbough..
Keep the faith fellow Christian parent!! Its a relief to know that I can turn to you for my moral guidance... I was awash in a sea of moral amibiguity until I found your blessed blog!
anonymous: You are indeed fortunate to have found me. With my help your child will grow up to be an upstanding conservative just like me.
Well, maybe not just like me, that's a bit of a tall order, but he'll be much better than he would be without my words to guide your parenting.
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