Independence Day
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

It has occurred to me though that even some non-liberals in this country have forgotten the true meaning of the holiday. Independence Day is not only the celebration of birth of our nation but also a grand celebration of freedom itself. Many Americans today simply don't understand what freedom really is.
Freedom isn't about giving every idiot the ability to think or act anyway they choose. This is an idea of freedom that fails to take into account the very nature of humankind. Freedom is also not about ensuring that every incorrect viewpoint is protected. No, freedom is about making sure there are no obstacles thrown in the path of public acceptance of the one moral viewpoint: Christian conservatism.
Freedom is also about the unquestioning acceptance of our conservative leaders. Criticism of our leaders, especially during a time of war, threatens our freedom and dishonors our troops. I support our men and women in uniform, and wonder why liberals can't do the same to protect our sovereignty.
Freedom is about giving people the option to selflessly put aside their doubts, and ideological cynicism and simply support President Bush no matter what.
Someday, I hope people can understand what freedom really is. I hope someday I'll be able to drive by my local courthouse and see a Ten Commandments monument with a marble bust of Ronald Reagan smiling down upon it. I hope that day comes soon, so I won't instead have to look at that sad statue of lady justice who stands there mocking me and mocking the idea of freedom this great nation has promised to me and indeed to all conservatives.
greeneyed_lady: It doesn't matter who you identify yourself politically, if you question me or this blog, you are officially a liberal traitor.
jason: The left-wing attack machine is in full swing. They say blog is "illogical" or "contradictory" or "bitingly brillaint satire."
Our liberal neighbors celebrated America's birthday by practicing Witchcraft in their backyard, right in full view of the whole neighborhood. Disgraceful! Thank God for the Patriot Act, so decent Americans won't have to tolerate such godless filth living among us.
Wait a minute, Tom. Did the witches make magic sky flowers by shooting things into the air? Those weren't witches tricks, those were fireworks! Americans have celebrated Independence Day with fireworks ever since President Washington shot them off at the Battle of Gettysburgh.
What a jerk you are. It's the conservatives who are taking our freedoms away. Only a conservative dufus like you would question the patriotism of half of the country...BAAAA...BAAAA...know what that means?
Personally, I think that if you don't love this country and everything it does, stands for, and will do and stand for in the future, then you shouldn't get to celebrate the holiday that marks our country's birth.
President Bush had the right idea when he made people sign loyalty oaths before they could attend any of his speeches or events in last year's spectacular triumph over the wishy-washy Godless apologists that call themselves the Democrats.
I think that everyone who wants to celebrate the 4th of July should sign a pledge saying that they love their country, their God, and their president, and would never do anything contrary to the good of America.
If those liberals can't even make a simple promise like this, why should they even get the day off? Why should they enjoy the parties and fireworks that our God-fearing soldiers paid for with their blood? Send those secularists and commies back to work.
tom harper: It's digusting, but not unexpected, that you would see such a display on this holiest of American holidays. It's just further proof of the moral decay of America.
anonymous #1: Even if they were fireworks they were not ones that celebrated the birth of this country. They were no doubt a part of some unholy ritual.
anonymous #2: A jerk, a dufus, and the implication that I am in fact a sheep? Is this the moronic blathering that passes for debate amongst you liberal imbeciles?
anonymous #3: Wow, a plan which is good for business and at the same time punished liberals. Unbelievably brilliant.
I don't know about you but I own a small fireworks shop across the river from Jersye and I made a killing this year and that is with fireworks being illegal in both states but endorsed by PA to sell such fireworks to NJ residents. God I love capitalism and every law breaking rule that comes from it. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!
Keep upi the good work you are doing here....
Freedom: The condition of being free of restraints. Political independence. The capacity to exercise choice; free will. Frankness or boldness; lack of modesty or reserve. The right to unrestricted use; full access. The right of enjoying all of the privileges of membership or citizenship. The absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. The power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints. Immunity from an obligation or duty.
That's how the dictionary defines freedom. With those sentences, how can you dare say that freedom isn't about giving all the ability to think and act the way they choose? Who are you to say what viewpoint is correct or not? You have the freedom to do so just as others have the freedom to say that you are incorrect as well. Our nation is about questioning authority, questioning viewpoints, for in placidity, we fail. It was in unquestioning loyalty that Hitler was able to mold his people to his will and was able to get them to follow along with all his hideous plans. We must question authoirty, always.
I support the men and women and uniform, but I do not support the leadership they are forced to be under. I fail to understand why a man with no military experience is in office in a time of war. I frankly find it frightening that that has become your definition of freedom. That's very similar to what Nazi Germany said about Hitler.
Please, re-read the bill of rights and let me know how any of what you said freedom is lines up with what one of our country's bedrock documents says. "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
I just don't understand your logic, sir.
Do you ever get claustrophobic in that narrow little mind of yours? Do you ever, just once, sit down and contemplate the other side's point of view? I don't really care whether you agree with liberal viewpoints, but I do think it would be reasonable to try respecting their difference of opinion.The world is not split into red and blue, you know!
If all you are going to do is harass and put down those who express their views on your blog, then I suggest you simply accept no comments at all. That way you could just ignore reality without interference from all those pesky liberals.
And if you return this post with your usual volley of insults, then I can only hope that my point has been made to your readers. The world needs more love and tolerance, not less. Can't you please try to understand that?
Michael, if I may, I'd like to answer the comment by d.l. (probably short for "down low," which is just another piece of slang used to camoflauge the homosexual lifestyle). If you disagree with my comments, of course, I welcome your rebuttal, praise to God.
D.L... I can sense that you are a person who has infinite patience for those who have different views than yours. And in certain times and places, that is an admirable quality.
But this is not the time or the place. Do you not read the newspaper or watch TV? Are you so caught up in your liberal free-love ideals that you haven't heard about the continual discovery of Muslim terrorists cells in our country? In New York? In California? As little respect as I have for my welfare-loving blue-state brethren, does it not disturb you that terrorists are popping up in these places/
In dangerous times, we must work together to preserve the glory and righteousness that is The United States. In World War II, would you have wandered the streets shouting, "What about Hitler's feelings?"
I think not. The US is under assault because of our love of God and our love of freedom. This is not a time for different views. I've heard on Fox News how shows like "The Daily Show" make fun of President Bush and how he doesn't speak like he graduated from Harvard or Yale or one of those fancy Northeastern prep schools.
And that's all that liberals can do, make fun of how people speak or how they don't read a lot of books. This is not a time for pretty speaches or for reading. This is a time for action.
the bastard: Captitalism at its finest. I salute you, fellow captain of industry.
elyse: That's just like a liberal to look in a book to try and understand something.
I'd listen to a liberal lecture me about about winning elections before I listen to a liberal try and teach me about freedom. Ridiculous.
d.l.: my anonymous friend has already taken care of you.
anonymous: Thank you for taking care of that d.l. pest. You argued this almost as well as I would have.
You want a marble bust of Reagan eh? You better put a helmet on its head to hide the horns.
Yet again you disappoint me. A statue of Ronald Reagan next to the 10 Commandments? Do you forget that this man once supported homosexuals while he was governor of California? No matter how righteous he turned in later years, his former liberal slip cannot be forgotten, nor forgiven.
While I am glad you approve the removal of the pagan witch Roman goddess Liberty in the courthouse, I'm starting to have my doubts about you. I'm beginning to think this blog may be a joke... I'm not sure. I'll have to ask my husband. He gives me most of my opinions.
m.r. and warpedtourmom: You both question my choice of Ronald Reagan as a symbol of conservative greatness.
First, how dare either of you question me. Now, I will admit that Reagan wasn't perfect. He was always leery of the Religious Right, and his unwillingness to listen to true Christians when it came to social issues is a true blemish on an otherwise glorious record.
Let's not forget though that he has very much shaped the way President Bush currently governs. I believe trickle down economics alone should make Reagan eligible for sainthood.
This site is great. I love how morons like "greeneyedlady" take it seriously.
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