Oprah Angers Me, Again
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

Carol even decided one day to pick up some of those Oprah's book club books to enrich herself or some other such nonesense. Thanks to these reading recommendation, my living room looked like some black lesbian women studies bookstore (I assume such stores are very prevelant on the east coast). Needless to say my wife is no longer permitted to watch Oprah's show.
So you see, Oprah has already done plenty to deserve my ire, but now she has decided to do something absolutely unforgivable. This Thursday she will endorse the gay lifestyle.
She will be interviewing Michigan farmer Ryan Hickmott who took part in the reality TV program "30 days: Straight Man in a Gay World." Here's what Lifesite has to say on the matter:
Ryan Hickmott, from Michigan [spent] 30 days with a gay marketing consultant in San Francisco. The program notably did not address the sexual practices of many homosexuals that are said to often eventually lead to disease and other serious physical and psychological consequences.What?!? You mean they put a homosexual on TV without a scrolling disclaimer at the bottom of the screen about the reprecussions of sodomy? Given that homsexual intercourse is the cause of all sexually transmitted diseases, this ommission is both irresponsible and reprehensible. How could Oprah have a man on her show that would choose to participate in such a program?
The answer is simple -- Oprah has pushed a strong pro-gay agenda at every turn. Lifesite also cites many times when she's supported homosexuality, including this incident from a couple years ago:
In 2003 Oprah referred to guest Melissa Etheridge as "married" to her lesbian partner Tammy Lynn Michaels even though homosexual 'marriage' is illegal in the United States.Yes, it's illegal, Oprah. Illegal! I'm not sure if she could be jailed for her statement, but I'm having my lawyer look into it. You have no idea how personally satisfying it would be for me to put Oprah behind bars where she belongs. And while she's in prison thinking about what she did, maybe she could find time to read this week's "Michael Gregory Steele book club" recommendation: the Bible.
You are very impressively open-minded to let your wife read Oprah without your consent.
I'm sure you would enjoy this web site about black people :
Afro-Americans love us, because we treat them like adults by electing leaders that will take away their welfare. Afro-Americans hate liberals because they are constantly promoting the Afro-Americans natural tendency of laziness by shoving the welfare pacifier in their mouths.
Even us Republicans can understand it is not everr about the party, but what is best for each person that is safe harbored under our Constitution. Where and when did you get off the short bus? ED
pedoro: Well, to be fair I no longer allow her to watch Oprah or read any of her recommended books anymore. I neglected to ensure that my wife remained submissive.
Great site by the way, I love people of all colors, as long as they're conservative Christians.
kirk: There are no "afro-Americans" or "African Americans", there are simply Americans. By giving people special labels you aid liberals in perpetuating the myth of racism.
You could not be more right about welfare though.
Oprah, feeder of the Feminazi lesbian-incest agenda, thinks we don't remember her days as a feminized "Springer." Well, we do remember. At least Springer doesn't try to deny that he is a liberal exploiter of the unsophisticated.
Hiding behind a book or a pretty show set doesn't change what Oprah is, or what she promotes-debauchery and sin up to and including the vilest acts ever seen on "Springer." These liberals will never be satisfied until they have infected every God-fearing household with their vile filth.
yohi57/58: I wouldn't be caught dead on a bus. Public transportation is for tree hugging conservationists.
Don't forget that those who turn to Oprah and her media empire for guidance to every decision they make are disobeying the first and second commandments.
GASP!!! Maybe they deleted you because you are an idiot.
anonymous: What have I told you about feeding the trolls? In case you forgot, I told you not to do it.
Michael: African Americans? I missed that term. Sorry, I didn’t know we’ve dropped the labels. It’s hard to keep up on what the coloreds want nowadays. Just look at the smear campaign against Bill Bennett by the Soros funded Media Matters. I can’t believe they are going after this nice man just because they don’t like being called “black.”
OK that one hath potential LOL
So right, Blue Gal, so right. How much better off we all were when our society was comprised of righteous women who undertsood the Bible and their place in the world!
so whos getting deleted here? I can never see his comments.
Some crazy Oprah fan that has been making offensive remarks. I just wish some people would learn to show a little respect towards others.
I'm not sure I understand my place in the world, Patriot, but I am sure it isn't where Oprah is standing right now, no siree bob.
Excuse me, I need to go fluff my husband's pillow.
to all the people still arguing on this blog who think that micheal and herman are real:
Bkwrd_dog: That is a great idea! This definitely would be a giant leap toward an ownership society. I wonder why nobody has thought of it before. I'm going to write a letter to my Congressman suggesting we even let people have their own parts of town. If the Republicans use your idea as part of their platform in 2006 we're sure to win enough seats to ensure that a filibuster never happens again!
Forgive me, MGS, I was a sinner. I used to watch Oprah many moons ago. However, I soon noticed that she does not believe in God and all things important, she believes in a "good force" and a "dark force". What is this, Star Wars???
the bastard: You're really making a fool of yourself here. Having a wife is like having a child -- they will sometimes misbehave but you are ultimately judged by how you deal with their disobedient behavior.
Perhaps a post about being a good husband is order.
salgal: I'm glad that you came to me with this. I will talk to God about it and convince him to forgive you. You really have to be careful, sinful influences are all around you and your weak female mind is very susceptible to these evils.
I never thought it would happen, but apparently bushcheney and I are united in common cause!
I have personally defecated more morality than Oprah and John Kerry combined… in one sitting.
Wow! I didn't realize bushcheny08 was a girl.
Wow, I just came on this site and can't believe it!
Only one thing to say: the part of the Bible I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope is true is "The Rapture."
The sooner we can get you self-righteous assholes off the planet, the better the world will be!
And that includes every holier-than-thou weirdo from every religion on the face of the earth. Nothing would better suit the Falwells, Dobsons, Bushes, yes, and the Steeles, too, than to have to sit thru eternity with the Osamas and Khomenis!
I once saw a movie called "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang".
All I did while reading this was really, howl with laughter. What a small minded, backward person this is. * My wife is no longer permitted to watch Oprah *
For one who does not watch Oprah himself, he seems to know a lot about guests on the show and how Oprah referes to them... ( Mellisa Ethridge and her WIFE )
Look at all the good this wonderful woman has done. Grow up, and step into the year 2006 is what I say.
'Needless to say my wife is no longer permitted to watch Oprah's show.'
Sounds like you deserve each other, a true matching of intellects.
Dear Oprah
I don't know if this letter will ever get to you but I had to write and share my feelings with you. Over the years, I have always admired you and have only dreamed about coming to your show. You have educated us on so many subjects like health, worldly issues, abuse etc. I would always watch your show and would just be in amazement. I truly admired you and thought you were one of the strongest women I have ever seen. I never saw color with you. I saw you as a woman and I mean that truly. I admired you for your accomplishments and natural ability to speak and the equal love for people that I thought you had.
However during this whole election process my feelings for you have deminished and frankly I never want to watch your show again and truly hope the people who put you in the position you now hold will bring you back down. I know that is harsh to say but you have shown me and olthers your true feelings of white people. This election is all about race for you and a good majority of the black community. If I hear one more time "We did it" , "this is historic", "this is about equality for people of color" etc etc.. I am going to scream.
This election never was or should have been about race!!! This is about our country and worldly issuses that we are dealing with and where we are headed as a country. Some where along the line it became about race. A major majority of the black and hispanic community did not care about Obama's reputation, past, religious beliefs, how he feels about the american flag or Anthem to just mention a few. They just wanted a black president. It was all about making a point. I do not care that Obama is black one bit and I mean that wilth alll my heart. I don't care if our President is white, black, hispanic, Oriental, male or female. It was about charactor, experience, beliefs and ability for me and should be for all Americans but it wasn't. It was all about putting a black man in office to prove a point and for more restitution for slavery period!!! If white people acted or said half the things that have been said by the black community we would be in a civil war right now. I can't even imagine the riots, law suits or division this world would be in right now if we ran around like we were on fire screaming McCain's name like he was the second coming of Jesus much less saying "Yeah we did it", "this is historic" etc....Or how about white people going to homeless shelters or drug shelters and recruiting people to vote. You going to sit there and tell me those people were not influenced on who to vote for and you had a hand in that. When will this revenge stop. This became a racial campaign plain and simple and you used your power, ability and money to fuel the fire.
I am beyond disappointed in you and will not support your show, magazine or you in any way again. You are a fake and hide behind your show and money.
The decision is made now and we have to deal with the consequences. I pray for this country and for the people and their hearts of this country. God have mercy on us.
Joan Gant
This made me laugh. Conservatives are so stupid and and ignorant.
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