The End of This Blog?
by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

A simple thank you would be a nice change of pace.
Is this what I've become, a punching bag for jobless hippies? Is this blog nothing more than a place for liberals to take out their hatred of God? Just what good have we done for this country anyway? We started this blog in April of 2005, when President Bush's approval rating was sitting at about 48%, and now... well, you've seen the numbers. Americans are even more misguided than when I started.
Homosexuals still walk the streets of our towns unimpeded. There are those in this country that still believe in the unholy principle of "separation of Church and State." There remains no Constitutional Amendment that makes Jesus Christ the official leader of this country. The atheists that control the Democratic Party haven't been run out of Washington by a righteous Christian mob yielding pitchforks and torches. America continues to wallow in sin.
Just what do I have to be proud of exactly? What have I accomplished here?
I think it may be time to cut my losses and shut down Conservatives for American Values permanently. This is something I'll have to talk over with Herman, but more importantly, it's something I'll have to talk over with God. I'll make my final decision on Monday, but my mind is pretty made up to end this.
M.G.S. - I for one would be highly disappointed if you and Hermie were to put an end to this blog. This site is truly a public service. Your ignorant drivel exposes republican conservatism for the joke it really is. I salute you.
Michael: What's the point? The point is to try and break through the liberal propaganda so people can see the truth.
We're winning in Iraq and have stopped terrorism in its tracks. People around the world respect the United States again after Clinton had alienated us from the rest of the world. The economy is soaring, the cost of living is down, less embryo babies are being murdered, people have come back to Jesus.
God has smiled on this country, yet you never hear this on T.V. or in the newspapers because of the liberal monopoly on media.
I thank you for all the good you have done, but we still need you! Don't let these horrible horrible liberals get to you.
No, please don't desert the sinking ship. We need you now more than ever. If the last few voices of Decency and Righteousness call it quits now, the terrorists have won. (And so have the gay potsmoking abortion-having Pagans who want to destroy us from within.)
Mr Steele -
I want to give you my support, even though it isn't easy for me to post here. For one, as a woman, my vocabulary and attention span is fairly small. And as a Surrendered Wife, my husband naturally - and quite rightly - controls access to the computer. And finally... oh, what I was going to say...? Darn! It's clear gone!
Please, please don't end your blog. I read it when I can, and the rest of the time, my husband reads it out to me. Of course, he leaves out the more difficult ideas, but I still enjoy it so much. Perhaps you could post a little less, to take the strain off? Or branch out, with some very brief daily devotions?
I think I had another point, but I've forgotten that one too. Bless you both for the good work you do. I am mailing you each an embroidered wall-hanging to keep your spirits up.
Yours, Mrs Teletart
(pronounced Tay-lay-tar)
Michael. Please do not give in. It is what the liberal filth want you to do.
Heterosexually Yours,
My friends and followers:
I thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. Your unquestioning loyalty to the principles of this blog is truly humbling.
Although it is heartening to hear such richly deserved praise, the decision to continue this blog ultimately lies in God's hands. I am still unsure that continuing to blog remains His will. I guess we shall all soon see.
Michael, I wish you to continue spreading My message.
What year is it where you are?
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