Monday, August 21, 2006

Judge Hands Terrorists the Keys to Your Home

by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

Since it’s a known fact that Democrats can’t win elections, they score political victories the only way they can: through the justice system. We’ve seen this sad fact played out yet again as last week another liberal ruling has been handled down by the courts; a ruling that directly translates to the deaths of millions of Americans.

Despite what you may think, this particular ruling has nothing to do with abortion or a mother’s so-called right to commit fetuscide. No, it seems that liberals are no longer content to just kill unborn Americans; they apparently want too see the rest of us dead as well.

The liberal commitment to the destruction of the American way of life was shown again as Judge Anna Diggs Taylor (a woman no less) recently ruled that the Bush administration’s use of warrantless wire taps is both illegal and unconstitutional. In case you’re wondering, this ruling does in fact seal the fate of all Americans. This out of control activist woman judge with the help of the ACLU (surprise, surprise) have just handed al Queda the keys to your house. The most you can hope for at this point is that the terrorists don’t track mud onto your nice carpet as they sneak into your home to slit your throat while you sleep.

President Bush’s response to this travesty of justice was of course firm, direct, and completely correct:
“[Opponents of the NSA surveillance program] simply don’t understand the nature of the world we live in… We must give those whose responsibility it is to protect the United States the tools necessary to protect this country in a time of war”
I couldn’t agree more, Mr. President. In fact, the single biggest problem with the Constitution in general is that those who originally drafted it had a pre-9/11 mindset. We live in a very different world now and we can’t allow ourselves to be constrained by the civil rights of America’s citizens. Sorry liberal traitors, if we actually want to defeat this enemy and spread freedom and democracy across the globe we no longer have the luxury of a right to privacy. Deal with it.

While the implications of this ruling are terrifying, if there’s one thing I know about President Bush, it’s that he won’t allow this to prevent him from protecting America. He’ll find a way around this Constitution problem and defeat our Islamist foes. Until he does though, your personal terror level should remain somewhere between “completely incapacitated by fear” and “soiling your pants.”

I, on the other hand, shall remain strong in the face of our impending doom. I personally understand that protecting the principles of an outdated piece of parchment like the Constitution simply doesn’t matter in the context of the War on Terror. I know this, the President knows this, and you should know this. I just pray that until the President is able to address this, that the terrorists will limit their inevitable orgy of destruction to the godless liberals who support this ruling.


At August 21, 2006 7:38 PM, Blogger Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes said...

josh: And perhaps if "white carpet" meant "your badly beaten body" I wouldn't be so concerned about terrorists trampling upon it.

At August 22, 2006 12:42 PM, Blogger Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes said...

tomas paine: You couldn't even begin to understand mein struggle.

There's the epic battle with liberalism that I fight daily, as well as the stuggle for the very souls of my readers. So you see, having to converse with people like you is only part of my daily frustration.

At August 03, 2009 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...































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